
Weird! what's happening?!!!?

by  |  earlier

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In our school, the adviser (teacher) use to check our Reminders Notebook. So one afternoon, after classes, we lined-up at the corridor to have our notebooks check by our teacher, then TADA! my notebook is already checked! With a signature as a proof in the "TS" box (short for Teacher's Signature). The next day, after the last class, we lined-up again to have our notebooks check by the teacher. It's already my turn, my adviser checked and signed the reminders for that day and looked back at the previous reminders to see if my parents had signed it, when she looked at the TS, KABOOM! NO TEACHER'S SIGNATURE!! What happened?! In that case, my teacher thought that I did not approach her the previous day! MINUS IN CONDUCT! If I can just find a classmate who had been a witness the previous day that I approached the teacher! But I really did let my teacher sign it but when she looked at it, there's no sign. That's really weird! What do you think happened?!!! Is there a bad spirit or something!




  1. is this question has something to do with the environment category? if you don't know how to categorized, you should have looked at the suggested categories and find for a right category to your question. to answer you, all i can say is that maybe its not your notebook or what you have experienced is deja vu.

    Good Day!

  2. you were on a different page or you have mild signs of schizophrenia.

  3. oo..ghost...

  4. Your mind is playing tricks on you!!!

  5. are you sure that notebook was yours? did you dream of that incident? Someone sabotage you?

  6. u probally thought it was signed but idk!

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