
Weirdest food you have eaten?

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what is the weirdest food you have ever eaten?




  1. Dolphin

  2. Shark fin soup. Tiny bowl was $100.00. Took weeks for the fin to tenderize and it was actually good.

  3. I have eaten Tripe.  This is the lining of the stomach of cattle and is eaten in many countries.

  4. calamari-squid

    it was so grose!!!!!!!!!

  5. calamari.  It tasted ok but I don't plan on eating it again because it looks too much like an octopus and I saw Jacques Pepin cleaning a few once and it was TOO gross.

  6. not really weird, but don't care for octopus.

    Seems like it just chews and chews forever

  7. blood pancakes

  8. I cannot believe that people don't know that brie is cheese, and that people think that squid is exotic. If Olive Garden sells it, it's not exotic.

    I've tried blood sausage, tripe soup and haggis. All were ok- not the best thing out there, but totally edible. I got served guinea pig when I was in Peru, but I couldn't force myself to eat it because I keep guinea pigs as pets.

  9. Curry goat

  10. I won't be specific.

    Woof woof.

    Meow meow.

    and you are one.

    Different cultures, different laws, different ideas.

    I only volunteered eating the animals.  Did not know the other thing I was eating was hm, well you know.

    Cat and dog, will not eat again, just because it doesn't feel right.

    Won't eat the 'other' thing ever again either, but it tasted like pork.

    Gotta love traveling to different continents.

  11. Haggis and blood pudding oh and the little worm in the bottem of especial tequila

  12. bray or bri, its frecken disgusting, next to that cow tongue.  EEEEWWWWW

    People made me try these things.....that's what I get, now im vegetarian

  13. Baked Worms-Good


    Raw Octopus-Good and Bad depending on where it was sold at

    My special made Subway Sandwich(It was the new sandwich with spicy chicken and spinich and artichoke dip-I did not put vegatbles on it and instead added mozzerella cheese,pepperonis,oil,vinegar,and parmesan cheese)-good

  14. A soft shell burrito stuffed with refried beans, spaghetti sauce (with hamburger in it), and cheese!  It is best to use leftover sketty sauce, from spaghetti the night before! YUM YUM

  15. a sea-food stew like thing

    had octopus or squid in it

  16. School cafeteria food. I SWEAR it was jiggling.

    now i pack a lunch.

  17. asparagus.

  18. This wasn't by choice - I was cutting the grass and my mouth was open and a bug flew in!  I almost gagged.

  19. eel and ants. chocolate covered ants.

  20. blood sausage ( I would have to say was the worst!)

    tripe (In menudo)

    pigs feet ( when I was little and I don't even remember if I liked it or not)

    cesos ( cow's brain)

    and grasshopper... not sure if maybe it was a cricket... its a mexican delicacy. My mom brought to my birthday party. It tasted like eating a sunflower seed with the shell.)

  21. Cow tongue and thats about it. Everything else is pretty normal for America

  22. In Chinatown San Francisco - authentic Vietnamese food  - I have no idea what it was called but it was a curry with fish heads (including eyes) AND chicken feet in it...who knows what else. Vietnamese definitely have a much broader definition of "food" than Americans!

    The strangest part is, it tasted good...

    I should google it to find out what it is that I ate :)

    After that, it was definitely the rabbit an 80 yr old friend of mine got  for me in his back yard - he was so proud and happy I couldn't say no - at least he skinned it for me, but when I cooked it, there was still had shot in it!!!

  23. Haggis. It's a Scottish delicacy of sheep's stomach stuffed with mincemeat and oats. It's actually really good.

  24. Rattlesnake meat at a camp.

  25. this disgusting stuff called vegemite and marmite, which is an Australian treat. I doubt it can be considered FOOD though. Its fermented yeast or something. DISGUSTING!!!!

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