
Weirdest names youve ever <span title="heard....................?">heard.......................</span>

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what is some of the weirdest names you've heard? i once met someone whose wife's name is Sundown!




  1. ullie..short for ulises..

  2. pante sounds like panty!haha!lol

  3. Shithead, but their name is pronounced Shyth-ade. I am dead serious.

  4. i dont know but i think the name Princess and Prince is just kinda lame  

  5. my word I&#039;ve loaded my musket and blown all the other  fish out of the water like an eves gremlin .... on speed


    one of my friends was called

    Jack Daniels ha ha (no joke) ... no wonder i tried to drink his sweat ha ha

    lol... oyyyyyyyyy

  6. There&#039;s this family and their daughters name are days of the week. Except they change the &quot;day&quot; to &quot;dee&quot;

    Mondee Marie

    Tuesdee Tisha

    Thursdee Tiffany

    Fridee Fabian

    Sundee Sage

    Their names are according to what day they were born, they don&#039;t a daughter that was born on Wednesday or Saturday.

  7. The name &quot;d**k&quot; some kid in my school has it..

  8. One of my cousin&#039;s friends is named &quot;My Son&quot;. He gets teased so much lolz. And another cousin was almost named &quot;Shavey chavelle&quot; so that was pretty bad.

  9. I know a man named &quot;Oral&quot; wonder what his mom and dad was doing when they decided to name him. I will let you draw that conclusion

  10. Shequodra

  11. 1)YessaNessa

    2)Icunique(like I see unique)




    6)Sherecia Latrice

  12. Jack Knoff

    what kind of filthy name is that?

  13. A friend of mine knew a kid named Handsome.I&#039;m not kidding!

  14. tequila.. not weird.. but unique :)

  15. Spring Dove


    I also know a guy named Aston Martin

  16. I was introduced to someone name Mistymarie. Thats her first name. I just thought every called her that and her name was marie. =]

  17. there&#039;s a girl at my school who&#039;s middle name is &quot;ray-a-drop-of-golden-sun&quot; like from the song you learn in music class when you&#039;re little... it think it&#039;s really cool

  18. Renesmee.

    not a real person, but still stupid.

  19. i knew a set of identical twins that we both named Mary, One was Mary Etta and the other was Mary Beth. If you weren&#039;t sure which one you were talking to you  just called her mary

    I knew a couple that named their three children Stormy, Windy and Breezy.

    My friend&#039;s mother is named Armistice, but everyone calls her Deek

    Some names of girls I dated before I got married included Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

    I knew a girl in college named Easter

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