
Weirdest thing happened to me?

by Guest66901  |  earlier

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everytime i get in a car i put on my seat belt like i mean everytime because my uncle died from a car crash and wasnt wearing his seat belt, today me and my mom got in our car and headed down the road for some reason somthing wa sin me that said dont put the seat belt on and forget about it and so i did and just down the road a car came and hit me and my mom rate from behind, it was a hard hit, my head is still rattled but good thing is my moms okay. i have no clue why this happened is this a sign for somthing?




  1. Nope it just happened--there is no mystical connection here. But you can never tell when ANYTHING might happen--so be prepared. An accident takes a fraction of a second to happen--any injury will happen so fast that grabbing a belt will never be possible. Give yourself the benefit of being prepared--wear the belt. You should work with me someday--there are bodies that a family cannot identify because a violent collision tore the carcas apart. Kids ripped apart---old people cut almost in half by being thrown half out of a car. Stay belted and give yourself a chance.

  2. Not a sign of anything you just had too much on your mind, drive safe....................................

  3. there is NO EXCUSE for not wearing the Seat-belt...!

    call it fate/karma/Stupidity , or what-ever else it can be can`t be known as a "factor".

    you didn`t wear it , a situation happened ,,,,,,, can you tell me and the rest of those who did get hurt from this type of situation (HONESTLY) , that it CAN`T happen again.....?

  4. i have no idea whats that would mean. thats really weird. all i can say is wear your seatbelt! then you should have much to worry about. and sorry to hear about your uncle

  5. That was your guardian angel

  6. It is a reminder to buckle up,   every time.

    Evidently,  it was a pretty hard hit.    It seems to have knocked all your learning about grammer,  capitalization,  punctuation,  and sentence structure completely clear of your head.

  7. always wear a seatbelt?

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