
Weirdo Following me???????????????

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At school some weird dude has been following me less than 2 ft. away since school started. We used to be friends but we just grew apart. He is that one guy in school who nobody likes. My friend told him to stop following us. But next period he was back again. He's also in every one of my classes. But then when he followed me yesterday my other friend said Hey to him and he went running. He also being a jerk in class like not turning in my papers when the teacher tells him to collect the papers and not handing me the supplies. What's wrong with him? What should I do. And no he's not mental I know that by fact.




  1. You need to really hurt and humiliate him, and try to do it in front of as many people as possible. Otherwise, he'll keep seeing you as his only chance for a friend, and no one will like you except him. The only people who befriend weirdos are their fellow weirdos.

  2. seems like ur friend is having a hard time letting go of the past and is lonely. he isn't handing u ur papers and supplies bcoz he wants ur attention and seems to be holding a grudge against u.

    i think u should tell him to leave u alone and explain to him why u feel that way.  

  3. First, it's never good to ostracize someone even if you do think they're acting weird.  You have no idea what this young man may be going through in his personal life!  Please be kind to him because he is a human being in spite of what you perceive as being "weird".  Maybe he looks up to you and your friends for some reason.  At any rate, treat people the way you wanna be treated!  And with the number of Columbine like incidents that are taking place in these schools lately, you have to be cautious.  I hope you will heed this advice for that young man's sake and for your own!

  4. i think you should try and be freinds with him...DON'T BE HORRIBLE ...coz he may not have anyone  

  5. id say be friends with him... when hes the nutter storming in with a gun he'll remember the time when you were nice to him and spare you

    hope i helped!

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