
Weirdo dreams?

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Ok I have been having the same dreams this entire week.. in all my dreams my teeth are falling out or I am wearing dentures and I can like pull out my teeth. I have very nice healthy teeth in real life so it's not like I'm self conscious of my teeth. I do work in nursing home and see a lot of dentures around haha but i was talking to someone and they say that they have heard dreams with teeth mean something but couldn't remember what? Does this have any meaning to it?




  1. one of my brothers saw a dream of one of his front row teethe falling out... we chekd the dream encyclopedia and it said that either your father or your uncle was going to die.

    and yea that happened after 2 years ;( anyway i had a dream before my dad passing away that all my teeth falling dad was my EVERYTHING and then i lost him....

    dreams send u an early warning of whats going to happen...some dreams dont mean anything but some dreams can have an affect on your life...

  2. Teeth can reflect two things basically...

    confidence (or loss of it) and

    authority (bite).

    If your teeth are falling out, you may be dealing with situations (while awake) where you are "losing face", not feeling confident, or feel your authority is being undermined.

    If you take your teeth in and out, this may indicate that with some people , you are very gentle, but with others, you need your "bite"... have to be more firm and use authority.  Is your bark worse than your bite, or do you just adjust your approach to fit the circumstance?

    Pray for wisdom in all things!

    God bless you!


  3. Don't worry about it :)

    I've had same dreams that repeated like 20 times - being hunted (hunted, not chased) by a dog, but so far nothing of the sort has happened to me... btw, interestingly, your dream sounds remarkably like something I read out of a book - "The Tommyknockers" by Stephen King.

    But dreams usually don't mean a thing, so don't worry.

  4. mabye your dream dose have a meaning to it, you may be getting to that point where you think you are getting old, and that may be why, or mabye you have had a loved one with really bad dential issues.

                       ps my mom used to work at a nursing home! lol
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