
Wel Im 15 years old and i love playing with that wrong?

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alot of my friends think my habit of playing with dolls is strange should i be worried?




  1. Of course it's not wrong! (:

    People on planet Earth will always think that some things are strange that they don't do themselves.

    They are making you feel weird about playing with barbies because they themselves have decided it is for young children, so that they can be closer to the 'in' crowd.

    Trust me, if playing with barbies was suddenly considered cool and 'in', all of your friends would suddenly play with you.

    There is nothing wrong with you. It can be strange to them as much as they'd like it to be. If you like to play with barbies, great!

    Don't let popularity control the things you love to do.

  2. UHM YES. thats not normal .  

  3. Not at all, my daughter was 18 years old and loves watching barbie movies and she is fine.  Dont stress what others say. you are an individual and its better to play with dolls then to be doing other things that are much more destructive Have a happy day!

  4. NO  

  5. For all you people who said it's wrong to play with them, well I got news for ya. You're WRONG! Barbies are fun. I still play with bratz and barbies!

    There is nothing wrong with you. People just say that to make you feel bad. You do whatever you feel like doing. Don't let anyone stop you!

    Your friends are being rude and trying to make you upset.

    And yeah, I hate to say it, but some people are just really mean and nasty and LOVE to hurt other people's feelings. Is it wrong to do that, OF COURSE! But we just have to deal with it.

    So go on and play with barbies.

    Nobodies gonna stop you!

  6. Only if your a guy.

  7. No, it's not wrong, in fact it's the in real life of RPG (Role Playing Games). You are just doing what other people are doing on a computer (RuneScape, World of Warcraft, Halo, etc).

    The only reason why your friends think it's strange is because playing RPG on a computer seems like the more "normal" thing to do rather than playing with something more realistic and tangible.

    You're doing nothing wrong, and say hi to Barbie, it's Ben, she was supposed to call me back...

  8. well buy play with them do you mean like "hi im barbie lets go to the park and have a picnic!" then yes its wrong, if you mean you collect them, change around there outfits and their hair, then no, its fine

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