
Wel i be ok? i have been drunk all day but didnt pass out?

by Guest67196  |  earlier

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i started drinking at like 11 and i drank jack Daniels til 4, i proly had like 9-15 shots in 4 hrs. but i drank at different times first time was like 6 shots i did it slowly, second time was like 4, both the were two hours apart

will i die? i didn't pass out, my temputare was 97.6 nd i had to make myself puke, im 14 nd im male and im 100 lbs




  1. No you're not gonna die but don't drink anymore  today.

  2. Nah, you wont die. If you black out then there could be problems. Dont force yourself to vomit that can make things worse. Just drink in some fluids like gatorade or water that will help, dont throw up unless your body says so, you can get dehydrated. When your buzz starts to wear down eat something light light scrambled eggs, then go back and party on some more, you be ok, you have youth on your side

  3. You'll be fine, but you'll probably have a killer hangover. Drink tons of water before you go to bed, and maybe eat a little bit. In the morning, drink more water.

    If you puke, drink more water. Keep that up until your system is cleaned out and you can keep liquids down.

  4. You didn't drink enough bra keep going. You should try smoking some weed, also try some lean. You've got cough syrup around the house right? Mix that with sprite.

  5. It is people like you who die accidentally from alcohol poisoning.

  6. You probably won't die but maybe ... just maybe .... that's a bad plan. Cut it out. You are too young to be drinking any kind of booze

  7. Your not going to die but if your 14 yrs old you might want to think bout not drinking at all til later in life.

  8. u will end up dead if u don't stop now please stop.Please go to rehab or aa it's not a bad hing trust ive been there im only 18 please stop.Please talk to ur parents i drink every day dont end up like me my family hates me want's nothing to do with me please get help im serious don't be like ME. Also ur 14 u had 15 shots of jack daniel's in four hours i think you would be dead or in the hospital not on the commputer.Now I no ur doing this for attention.

  9. you willbe fine but i suggest you stop drinking you are young and only harm will come from getting drunk

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