
Welcome women of YA, What do you think of Palin the new queen of America?

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I think she is gorgeous, smart, and just plain s**y! Obama and Biden can have each other. Liberal values at it's best.




  1. s**y is not a word of praise for a politician, you sound sexist. I welcome women but because all women are beautiful anyway. Mc Cain will go against women's issues

  2. she is fairly smart, I would say s**y although I don't swing that way...

    But she is a right wing nut job who would be happy to see creationism taught next to evolution, not allow a pregnant 14 yo raped by her father to have an abortion, doesn't really believe the science behind global warming, is willing to sacrifice the polar bears for some oil ( maybe 2-3% of what we use now).  

    I also wonder why she took the risk of even testing for Down's syndrome if she knew she could not abort... perhaps a secret hope the test would cause a miscarriage ??  I don't think she is all that clear of a thinker and , while I am sure even she would be better than gw, not even in the same ballpark as Obama will be.

  3. wow...g*y jokes

    u must be 16

    and look at your "queen" she as a LOT of skeletons

  4.   Yes, A Beauty Queen! and the liberal values are the best thing over a beauty Queen! Last time I check we elect a president and Vice president not the Queen of England!

  5. Vice President not queen.

    Michelle Obama wants to be a queen.

    Palin wants to achieve great thing to benefit this country.

  6. I like her and will probably like her more in a week.  It is refreshing to see a strong woman with great family values, commitment to her community and her country and she is not a Washington regular.  

  7. thanks for the 2 points.

  8. lol, hardly

  9. No chances are that its the offshore beach whale with its own magazine and tv talk show.

  10. that she is. Liberal women dont have a clue how to handle her.

  11. I think she's great.  She's a fighter.  Smart and savvy.  And she's not a Washington insider.

  12. I love it.

  13. not a queen of America - we are not the worship bunch.

    But I said she's a good role model and will improve US image internationally.

    I just spent the past one hour in British times online and many people already wish that she's British instead and reform British politics :).

    Obama is just another Tony Blair, Palin is a breath of fresh air.

  14. I am loving this!

    Democrats squealing like stuck pigs over a qualified, accomplished woman who has it all, just because she doesn't agree with them.

    Nobody called Obama out because the State Senate in Illinois only meets a few months out of the year.

    That's a PART-TIME job.

    Palin was the full-time council member and then Mayor of a town that she cleaned up, lowered taxes and straightened out.

    Then she got appointed State Ethics Commissioner and challenged members of her own party.  

    As head of the powerful State Oil and Gas Commission, she took on BIG OIL.

    All Obama and the Democrats have done is COMPLAIN about it.

    Pelosi doesn't even know that you have to drill for natural gas which she doesn't know is a "fossil fuel."

    Palin got money back from the oil companies which she returned to the people of Alaska.

    Hooray for Sarah!

    She is just what we need in Washington!

    As Governor, she cut 300 State programs in her first year, saving 100s of millions of dollars.

    A leading newspaper in Alaska said that in her first two years as Governor, she's done more than her male predecessor did in his entire 12 years in office.

    What do Obama and Biden have to show for their time in the US Senate?

    Hot air. Talk and more talk.

    Sarah Palin gets it done.  With FIVE kids in tow.

    The Democrats are choking on this one.

  15. She is untested, inexperienced and ridiculously unqualified.

  16. Since I like men, I don't see her the same way as you, however she is pretty.  However I like her.  I like that she is tough, I like that she sticks to her principals and has good core values.

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