
Welcoming a Thai friend to our home in the UK?

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I am having a lovely Thai girlfriend of my Son to visit soon and I am making up the spare room for her. I want her to feel as welcome as possible. She is buddist so I have made sure there is a buddha in her room. What else could i put in there please. Serious answers please especially welcome from thai people.

I have decrated her room in cream shades with some rich reds.




  1. Ask her about what she eats for breakfast.. Asian people usually cannot digest milk products... therefore breakfast cereal or milk and yoghourt products are not a good idea.. I had a Malaysian colleague.. she ate Noodle soup for breakfast.. so better ask.. that was a big dilemma for me that I didn't know.. and if you can get Jasmine tea.. she might prefer that.. My work colleague liked kiwis and grapefruit... they like exotic fruits... and she liked to eat Crisps or bisquits with ginger...  not a lot of chocolate but they are all different.. I only know they like Rice.. they will also eat potatoes... and most vegetables... they eat meat..  I am not sure if they eat eggs... they really don't like milk products.. they get digestive problems from that..  x*x

    She will like the room... They like flowers... She might like some potpourri.. and maybe a candle.. but make sure it's safe...

  2. I'd keep it simple. You don't want to overwhelm her. She might feel uncomfortable. I'm sure she'll bring some of the things she feels are crucial for her religion with her.

    Don't fret! I'm sure it'll be fine.

  3. Maybe you should try to stock some common foods for her. If there is an Asian section of town where you live, you may be able to find a Thai store where you can find the types of foods that she would more accustom to?

  4. Flowers.

    May I say she is lucky to have such a caring hostess. She can't help but feel welcomed.

  5. If she is coming over from Thailand don't give her are food . If she is not used to it as she will be ill, as her system will not take it.

  6. COOKIES !!

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