
Welfare through no fault of your own?

by  |  earlier

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I asked another question regarding whether or not people on welfare should be able to vote, and got some pretty absurd answers. However, several people claimed that people are on welfare thru no fault of their own - can anyone give me an example of how this could ever happen? And FYI, I think vets should always be able to vote since they served their country, so I am not including disabled vets in this.




  1. If you're a citizen without a felony conviction you get to vote.  I don't care what your personal finances are like.

  2. I agree, I think there should be some law that if you can't support yourself after a couple of years or something then you can't vote and all the other things that felons can't do.  Heck felons are required to get a job when they get out of jail and they still can't vote.  WTF

  3. First of all, yes you should be able to vote if you are on welfare.  Second of all...a lady I know (she is very close to me) is

    married with a young child.  Her parents both got very ill.  Her and her husband moved across the country to help take care of them.  Once they got there they lived there for a while when the husband leaves, without a word and goes back across the country.  He just left her with her young child.  While he was there he was the sole provider of their small family, because he was working so she could take care of her parents and her child.  Then her mother passed away.  She doesn't have a high school education.  She can not find a job that will let her work during the hours her young child is in school.  She doesn't have a car.  The only welfare support she receives is food stamps.  And the husband jumps job to job to avoid child support.

  4. they may be disabled or unable to find a job that pays decently .anyone can fall into hard times

  5. Hey pal, don't be passing judgement for those on disability! It's a real insult to the those who have a irreversible mentally challenged situation and maybe physically challenged as a result of it.

    I don't know where you get off about us not choosing the right career, nor getting an education.

    Though there ARE the FEW who ruin it for those with problems. Many of us are well educated, unfortunately that does NOT mean we can engage in the demands of a challenging work world.

    Though you have the right to your opinion, your a real piece of work!

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