
Well, I am a dark skinned asian girl. what do i have to do to make a white man to be attracted to me. ?

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Well, I am a dark skinned asian girl. what do i have to do to make a white man to be attracted to me. ?




  1. By Smiling!  

  2. Just be a dark skinned Asian girl. I am a white, Englishman. My wife comes from the Isaan region of Thailand. Having spent a lot of time over many years working in the rice fields, she is also dark skinned. I was attracted to her and married her. You don't need to have all white men attracted to you, just the right one. I will wish you the best of luck in finding him.  

  3. you seem like a typical asian female:  full of self-hate.

    i bet you've considered getting eye-lid surgery.

    get some self-esteem.  white men aren't even all that.  persians are hotter.....  

  4. You have dating issues.

    Why limit yourself to just a White man??? How do you know the one who was meant for you/your soulmate isn't Asian, Latino or Black?

    Anyways, like the others have said, be yourself and if they like you for you then great, if not, then move on.

  5. be yourself

  6. ermm act yourself and avoid them if they've got a n**i tatoo on their arm =)

  7. first of all why do you want  a white man,lot of asian guys are really good,,anyway be yourself and dont put yourself so low

  8. First of all you should get yourself some "self esteem". what's wrong with an asian man? or black/latino? nowadays it seems like every asian wants to be white, what having a white man up your *** makes you feel important or something? NEWS FLASH...this is for you and all the other asian chicks out there trying to grab a white man to make yourself feel'll never be white ok, never!! all you guys are to a white man is a "fetish" this it, nothing more. so get that through your tight little heads.

  9. god, i'm so sick of questions like this. just act normal.

    i really don't understand this question. why did u have to put the fact that he is white? does it make any difference if he's black or asian or latino or whatever?

  10. All you have to do is be You.I find Asian women to be very attractive,and I'm sure I'm not the only white guy that does.So just enjoy life and keep looking for what you want.You'll find it.:)

  11. Start up a general conversion with a White man. Talk bout the wether,films, etc. Whatever you like talking about. If you appear friendly and funny and interested a White man maybe interested to learn more about you. Just be yourself, but have fun doing it.  

  12. have a personality or you can be sluty but the first one is the best! :)

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