
Well, I am getting braces this year, maybe a few months, and some myths and questions need to be answered.?

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ok here we go


I will lose weight

i will look ugly

they will hurt alot like sitting on a cactus


will it hurt severely

can i still get on water rides and roller coasters?

can i swim with them

will my mouth hurt when i sleep?

what can and can't i eat?

can i choose the color of braces i want without charge?

what colors could i choose from?

im an eleven almost 12 a little scared but a little excited, what colors should i get?

plus i saw a website with some colors ad i was wondering i or can i get a orange and a glow in the dark orange switching back and forth?.?.?.?.




  1. I lost weight from my braces. Especially when they put spacers in before the braces. My teeth hurt so much I didn't eat much solid foods.>.< I think people lose weight from braces because it hurts to eat when you get them thightened. I'm sure you won't look ugly. Most people don't look ugly. I think most people look adorable with braces lol. People always compliment my braces..they think it's cute on me(im 15). It doesn't feel like a cactus to me. It all depends on the person. My friend had braces and she loved them..they didn't give her any pain. To me the spacers hurt much worse than the actual braces. I can still go on rollercoasters and water rides. I swim with them..the orthodontist never forbade me from swimming with braces on..many ppl do it. It'll hurt at first when you sleep..but it goes down. Don't eat stuff like taffy or hard candies. When chewing gum make sure it's sugarless...or else it'll stick to ur braces(not sure if thats true but im not trying to find out myself) Also you can't eat pizza crusts. You can choose the colours without charge. You can choose from a variety of colours!! I think you should get colours that are your favorite or one's that bring out your skin =D You would have to ask if the orthodontist carries those glow in the dark one' I didn't know they had glow in the dark ones XD  Who cares if some kids will make fun of'll be satisfied with the fact that your teeth will turn out beautiful!! And i'm sure you'll look adorable with braces..alot kids I know want them anyways lol Oh yes..this is just a tip i give..since braces sometimes cut you..when you use mouthwash..DO NOT  use like listerine or the ones with BURNS SO BADLY!!! >.<. And sorry..kind of long...

  2. myths

    2.depends on how you look with them on

    3.they will hurt like the worst pain uve ever had the fist month and a half  but after that ,not so much.but they will have to tighten them evry now and then and that will hurt a lil bit


    1.reread number 3 under myths

    2.yes,braces have nothing to do with water

    3.yes is the list of things not to eat my orthodontist gave me

    no chips

    hard or sticky candy


    granola bars



    snow cones


    hard vegtables


    pizza crust


    corn on the cob


    ,but i still eat all of these and have no u dont have to stick to these to stricktly,but do stay away from corn on the cob

    5.yes,every time you go for a check up they will ask you if u want to change your color,but colors do get kind of faded if you wear them to long without changing

    6.yes,they can give you 2 colors at a time

  3. Ok.  Where did you hear these myths?  I guess you could loose weight, because when you get braces, you won't be able to eat hard solid foods for about a week.  No, you won't look ugly!  They'll only hurt (major pain) for 3 days.  The next two days, you're teeth will be really tender, and you won't be able to bite down on solid foods, or else it will hurt!  

    On to the questions!!!  It won't hurt severely every day you have them, just right after you get them on, and about a day or two when you get your braces adjusted, depending on what they do.  Yes, don't worry about water rides and roller coasters!  You'll still be able to enjoy them.  Also, you can go swimming! :)  You're mouth will only hurt when you sleep after you get your braces on and a day or two after you get them adjusted.  

    What you Can't Eat:

    - You can't take bites out of Caramel Apples

    - Taffy

    - Gum (I still eat gum)

    - Gummy Candy (I couldn't give that up!)

    - Popcorn (The best to eat during movies!)

    - You can't take bites off Corn on the Cob, but you can cut the kernels

      off of it

    And you can eat every thing else.  Sorry if I forgot to list something!  

    Yes, you can pick colors for free, I guess it's complementary.

    You can use this website to give you an Idea on what colors are there.  You're office may not have these specific colors, and they may even have more colors too!  Have fun with your color choices.  Try to stay away from yellow and white, because they wil lturn into strange colors.  My favorite colors are bold, such as Teal, Navy Blue, Pink, Red and Green.  You'll probably just have to wait to see the color choices.  Good Luck!  (i've had Braces for almost 2 years!)

  4. You should ask your orthodontist some of these...

    The ones I can answer:

    It will hurt at first when you bite into things.

    You will still be able to go on water rides, roller coasters, and swim.

    when sleeping, it will be slightly uncomfortable at first.

    you can't chew gum.

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