
Well, I have very bad ear pain when I fly. So where is the best place to sit on the plane and what i should do

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Well, I have very bad ear pain when I fly. So where is the best place to sit on the plane and what i should do




  1. Almost everyone touched on a correct answer from cleaning the earwax out, decongestants, pop your jaw with like a yawn and etc.  The aircraft is pressurized to about 7,500 feet altitude through the entire main cabin and cargo area.

    Depending on the pressization and out flow valve system it may pressurize the fuselage real fast.  This is what will cause problems for most passengers.  On of the way to help is to also were a set of those yellow earplugs.  This will allow your ears more to time to equalize to the cabin pressure on take off and descending.

    At about 8,000 feet the out flow valves are almost fully open to the out side air pressure and if the aircraft is descending slowing you should not feel no pain.

  2. There's no best place to sit, as the pressurization is equal throughout the cabin.  Earblock is extremely painful, and it's most likely you've got small Eustachian tubes.  Before your next flight, take some decongestants with you; flight surgeons I know recommend Afrin.  

    Usually blockages occur on the way down, as the external pressure is greater than that in your ear.  Shoot some decongestant; then as you begin descent, lean your head back, this stretches your Eustachian tubes, and swallow hard a few times.  If that doesn't work, try the Valsalva maneuver:  close your nostrils and try to exhale through your nose.  Do this gently; you should notice a clearing.

  3. where you sit will not make a difference if it's a pressure problem, which is what it sounds like.  See a doctor and get your ears cleaned and checked.  It may be impacted wax or something else that needs to be corrected.

  4. Ear pressure doesn't need to be fixed with drops or location.  Chew gum and/or pop your jaw with like a yawn. At take off and landing.

    Babies suck their bottle/pacifier or their mother's breast or they cry and annoy every other passenger!   It's just a natural thing.  Don't fight it.  It's just a thing. It's just pressure!

  5. My doctor suggested taking Sudafed Non-Drying (not the same as Non-Drowsy).... it helps clear you but it doesnt dry you out.

    I don't get ear aches but the sinus pressure is so bad it applies pressure to the nerves in my front teeth, and I get a really bad tooth ache. Sinuses and ears are all connected (hence the reason we have one doctor for ear, nose and throat).

    As for where to sit... I sit in front of the wings, or on the wings... never in back but only because I get air sick in back...

  6. I used to have that problem.  I was told it's from having water trapped in my ear.  Try "swimmer's ear" or see your doctor.

    Take a decongestant before flying, and/or chew lots of gum.  Good luck in the future...I know the pain, and it sucks.

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