
Well, i just bought a 22-250 and wanted to know what bullets would be good on foxs.thanks.?

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Well, i just bought a 22-250 and wanted to know what bullets would be good on foxs.thanks.?




  1. thats too fast a round your going to have to buy very slow light not heavy rounds if you plan on keeping that pelt that why i use a 22-250 for fox but i use mid weight bullets and slow the rounds down with a bit less powder so i can make very small holes in the foxes and not punch a hole out the other side and btw you can load that up for deer or down to squirrels if you can find someone to handload the cartidge for you

  2. 55 grain pointed soft point by Winchester.*

  3. 40 or 50 grain, depending on the shot distance

  4. Hornady 40 or 50 grain VMax. You have the choice to use moly (MoS2) or not it costs a bit more but I don't think it's worth it.

    Sierra Blitz King is another option.

    There is minimal damage as these varmint bullets make a small entry and go through a violent terminal upset.

  5. Depends on if you are shooting them for control or for their pelts.

    If for their pelts a full metal jacket is good as it damages the pelt very little going in and coming out.

    If hunting for control purpose a Sierra Gamemaster bullet will do the trick.

    A hollow point can be used but the brand would need to be 'tested' to determine the minimum depth of the wound channel. Some tend to make a very shallow wound and fail to kill the animal cleanly.

  6. Great choice on the 22-250! I own one and its the best rifle ive ever had! Ive used 55grain soft points (Winchester) on foxes ranging them form 50 m out to 500m. Although ive just started using 55grain Nosler Ballistic Tips and there is a huge differnt in accuracy. So much better with shooting 10 shots under half an inch M.O.A. Do not get anything lighter than 50grain as the winds affects the bullet to much. So i reccomend 55grain Nosler Ballistic Tip Federal Premium bullets.

    Happy Hunting!

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