
Well, school certainly has gotten off to an interesting start.?

by Guest62079  |  earlier

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There's this cute girl who's in my Geography class and in my Lunch right after Geography. I dunno...perhaps I'm looking a bit too far into it. I saw yesterday she was looking RIGHT AT ME in class. Not kinda maybe in my direction, she was looking at me. But then this guy she was talking to kinda looked at me too, so i don't know what she said. Then, that next lunch period, I just happened to be standing in line right behind her, and she looked at me and asked if I was in her Geography class. Obviously I said yes, and we chatted for a bit. Today, she was over at my table (she's friends with one of my friends), and she again, asked if I was in her class. I thought it was funny that she asked that again, but i just said yes and we made more small talk. the thing is...girls I don't know have NEVER come up and talked to me like that, not even the friendly ones (I'm not INCREDIBLY attractive). I'm usually the one who has to go talk to them lol. And this girl is cute like you wouldn't believe! So, is there any chance she's interested in me? And even if she's not, I'd like to flirt with her how should I go about that?




  1. Dont listen to the first comment me she sounds like a total goober

    make more small talk with her!

    maybe you guys have something going on? :]

  2. It's great that you found a girl who is interested in you. It doesn't matter if you're handsome or not. It matters that you're friendly and are kind to the girl. You sound nice, not like the usual players at school. Don't push her to like you more, stay friendly, and until she shows obvious signs to you that she really likes you, examples being: Giving you quick hugs between classes, talking to you about going somewhere, phone calling for no reason, then you can be sure that she definitely has a crush. However, be careful that she's not using you to embarrass you. I'm not trying to lower your self-esteem, but be careful of that. Many popular girls in school try to use less-popular guys (Not calling you not-popular), but they have a sickening habit of doing cruel acts like that. Don't hang around her all the time, but being good friends with her first are important that making your move. Anyhow, I hope you have a good school year, and possibly a new girlfriend! :]

    * Good luck!

    Please choose for best answer!

  3. uhhh, im not sure, just because she was looking at u doesnt mean she likes u, was she smiling??

    as for asking if u were in her class, she might have just have been trying to be nice, or maybe she wanted an excuse to talk to u, its too early to tell =]]

  4. I think you likes you because she talk to you.She might have a real feeling for you,ask her if she want to go out to eat some were,so she can familirazy with you,

    good luck...




  6. Teen guy-hunter's manual, chapter 3 page 16: find a way to make conversation.  use anything that might be of common interest.  No one really talks about the weather, so dump that one.  Anything that you know he likes is a good way to start, such as working on a car if you have one, asking him for help.  Sometimes you can just ask if he is in any of the classes you have with him.

    Somebody likes you, but don't tell her were you got the info.  The Huntress' guide is a big secret :p

  7. i dont go back to school for another 2 weeks :D

    EDIT: the girl below me is soo jealous and she knows it


  8. It sounds like she is starting to become interested......its weird that she asked you if you were in her class twice-maybe she was just looking for an excuse to talk to you?

    Play it cool, keep doing what you are doing. Smile, be friendly, chat to her if you are near her etc.

    If you like her you have a good excuse to talk to her since she is friends with one of your friends.

    Dont come on to strongly though, just relax and you'll be fine.  

  9. Next time you see or talk to her, make the conversation more interesting, you know talk about what is going on in class , about your assignment, that should get the ball rolling.

  10. Ha ha dude I don't think she's interested in you, I think she's just friendly and trying to be nice.  Flirt "more" with her?  Do you consider making small talk flirting?  If she didn't remember that she asked you once before if you were in one of her classes then I don't think she's paying a whole lot of attention to you bud.

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