
Well, when you cant score...?

by  |  earlier

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Just start playing like dirty hacks, right Pittsburgh?




  1. i love andiry:  playing "dirty" is NOT hockey.  being skilled, disciplined, and working as a team is hockey.

    in first period of game 1 the pens dominated the wings.  we were in the box A LOT but yet you still weren't able to SCORE 1 goal!

  2. No when you can't score, it means that you have a lot more Power plays than the other team. Playing dirty is what hockey is all about. Welcome to earth.

  3. If you can't beat'em then bleed'em

  4. Pitt's inexperience and sense of entitlement is why they've found themselves in this predicament.  Much like Hillary..but I won't go there.

    BTW, ♥ I Love Andriy ♥ changed her name from I <3 Life & Basketball. She's quickly ruining another screen name.

  5. Pitt has no class and are a bunch of f@gs.  Wings win in 5.

  6. "I Love Andriy" is clueless. More power? Detroit keeps their tough guys on the bench because they want to win and they watch the desperate Penguin goons go after Detroit players. Detroit hits just as hard without Downey and McCarty.


  7. ......................HILARIOUS............


  8. Actually, just go to the bar and look for a woman that has had 2 in her. Works for me.... everytime.

    Oh... your talking hockey. Nevermind.

  9. They certainly are playing like spoiled playground losers. Be nice if the Wings can shut them out all four games.

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