
Well, wrestling may suck for awhile, dont ya think?

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Just got work HBK tore his tricepts during the Raw taping. Taker seemed to have gotten injured as well. Also, as you all know Kennedy and Cena are also hurt. With all these injuries how will they give us entertainment on Raw?





  1. NEVER EVER SENSE I WAS SMALL THERE HAS ALWAYS BEEN A CROWD FAVORITE  once I SWAM WITH SUPER FLY AND ROWDY AND I CROSSED PATH'S AND HULK AND MY FAMILY SAT NEXT TO EACH OTHER WHEN OUR CHILDREN WERE SMALL there was the time when triple H and china were together while I was watching THE SHOW AND YOU KNOW STONE COLD WAS IN THERE EYE SIGHT  and they smiled  china was the inter Continental champ  and i have her signature in my hand right now on a picture of mr. wonderfull wow you know we could talk for days  sometimes I watch other shows like sting the other day he told of respect and you know he was right yea! tell that to the somoian bulldozer I like that name WHooooooo...

  2. Raw always sucks. its smackdown that saves WWE

    they talk waaaay to much on it.

    Cena is the most boring and HBK is to slow now. not as fast as he used to be.

    and children, its called fatigue, you'll get it too.

  3. cm punk is the reason why i dont even watch raw. smackdown is about to be the same with brian kendrick getting a title shot.  

  4. They should give Paul London the Title, CM Punk's  a douche!

  5. uh ortons injured also

  6. #1. wrestling has already been BADLY sucking since the attitude era.

    #2. raw will be better b/c cena is injured.

  7. yeah thats true DVAS

  8. dude randy is hurt to

    raw is d o o m e d

  9. Orton is injured too.. Don't forget Melina, Umaga, & Edge...

    EDIT: But the WWE are doing well there's no problems at the moment...

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