
Well ,What do you like to do in the evenings?

by  |  earlier

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  1. Go for a run, play with the kids, play guitar, drink some beer, look at some p**n.

    Oh, woops, I thought the question was "what do I do in the evenings".

    I'd like to go for a run, play with the kids, drink some lemonade, and have s*x for about a half hour, then read an intellectual novel.

  2. in the evening i would love to watch my soup opera and take care of my lil one! and  call my mom , brother and sister to see how they are doing today! thanks for asking sweetie!

  3. i like to see my friends, spend hours online or take a nap! cuz i prefer to stay up at night

  4. Have a glass or two of wine and cook a nice dinner for my husband and I.  Then we both shower together, slip on some lingerie and lay in bed watching tv for a little while and then you know the rest....

  5. watch tv and chat it up online...

  6. Play with my daughter and when she goes to bed curl up with a good hubby would have a different answer for this I'm sure lol.

  7. I usually like to take a shower, crash on the comp...make something for dinner. Watch a good show or movie or maybe read something. Chill with the significant other. ;]

  8. Eat dinner :]

  9. I like to take a quick nap and then go jogging

  10. Exercise

  11. go out with my friends

  12. Same as "blessed is me".....I run, and I like a nice hot bath and a glass of Chardonnay as well!

    : )

  13. Open a bottle of wine, put on some music and have a long intimate evening in.  Some soft conversation, slow gentle touching and lots and lots of lovemaking.

    That's what I'd like to do, LOL what I actually do is usually quite different, watch TV with the wife and go to bed.

  14. Cuddle up to a Special someone.

    Thats what I'd like to do.

    But it ain't gonna Happen!

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