
Well England are you looking forward to getting your Butts kicked in Croke Park today. ??

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Your probably right aussie 546 the Limey's will give us a match but we Irish will just live for the Moment, no excuses, not like the ones im reading so far..




  1. irish are favourites thats for sure.....they have home adv. plus England are shite at the moment........26 - 16 to irish .....

  2. ohhh i live in hope..Let the guinness and the english tears flow!!!

  3. As it will not happen your question is irrelevant. When did Ireland last win the world cup? Ooops sorry you havn't and probably never will.

  4. England is so going further than you so get used to it you SRE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  5. No Surrender LOWLIFE

  6. Pound the Limey's!

  7. And the Irish claim the English are arrogant? Pot calling the kettle. Ireland are the form team in Northern hemisphere rugby at the moment. They are the bookies favourite to win today. They have the crowd, the players, but they also have massive weight of expectation on them. They like to play as underdogs but that isnt the case today and they may just (hopefully) crack under the pressure. Irish players have been in the English press saying how England dont have a chance. Thats more than tempting fate. Thats creeping up behind it and flicking its balls with a wet towel!

    I really hope England ram all these taunts back down Irish throats and stick a candle on them.

    That said It will be a great game.

  8. actually.. having my team(scotland) lose today was almost worth it, how i laugh whilst watching Ireland totally pound your english poopers good and proper.

    HA HA HA

    as for neil... are you eating your words now??

    excellent result

  9. Friendly banter pls boys !!

    Having said that , come on Ireland !!

  10. Listen we might lose but we will be far from have our butts kicked i still do not believe ireland are as great as they are made out to be,yes they are a good team and are playing better than england but hey lets remember that england are just starting to rebuild as a squad.

    Hope i dont have to come on here and gloat that ireland lost!! i`m sure i wont tho

  11. "England are just starting to rebuild as a squad"

    What are you smoking dude?? The RWC is a few months away, England have had FOUR YEARS to "rebuild their squad".......

    The Paddies by 10 points. (Paddies did better than I expected)

    Wilkinson won't last 40 mins (got that wrong, eh?)

    At least 1 yellow card to England (my money's on Grewcock to take that honour) SPOT ON!! He was a t**t when I played with him.....nothing's changed

    You heard it here first......... ;-)

    Hey Bootycreord, England are World Champs for a few more months, but tell me.....what have they won since then? I don't think anyone sees them as a serious contender this time around, do you??

    England will be out in the quarter finals (6th October) when you play the Wallabies...... assuming they can finish second in Pool A that is, behind Sth Africa. Maybe Samoa or Tonga are in with a chance of knocking them out earlier. One thing's for sure, little Johnny won't last that long. He'll be home nursing another injury, or if he does make it to France, he won't last through 2 pool matches against Samoa and Tonga........

    Maybe the Queen should hand out some MBE's to the Irish players for winning a game of rugby, just like she did when you won the World Cup ;-))

    I seem to remember she did the same thing with your cricketers for winning the Ashes a couple of years back........ what a joke!!!

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