
Well I'm pregnant, but the father of the baby just doesn't want anything todo with me D:?

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I'm 17 he's 16 and we had s*x and he got me pregnant. I told him and he freaked out and started ignoring me. I asked him if he was going to help me or not and he said no. I don't know what todo I'm 4 weeks pregnant, and know nothing about taking care of a baby. I'm in 12th grade I'm guessing the baby will be born right after or before graduation in May. Should I get an abortion? What about the father?

Scared :(




  1. Hmmm, well tough one here. Maybe he is just scared but so are you. Please dont let him off the hook, he made the baby too. I would say just think really hard abortion isnt always the best answer, but think about it first really hard. You can always consider adoption. Good luck hun. ^^

  2. please please please, don't get an abortion, that baby could be something someday, as for the rest im sorry this happened to you but i don't know what to say. sorry

  3. Have you spoken to your parents about it.  You should really let them know.  The strongest support will come from your family in making the right decision.  The 16 year old dad is too immature to face the consequences.  If you decide to keep the baby, court may be your only action to receive child support.

  4. Bring this up to your parents and do not abort the baby!  There are Church's and agencies that can and will help you during this time of need.  They keep everything a secret so no one will know but you and the people who help you.  There are people out there who would love to adopt children.  So you do have these options but don't kill the baby.

  5. that is not cool im a guy and im 15 and i would never ever abandon a pregnant girl and either he is a really idiotic prepy guy who thinks he does not have to help dont get a abortion go right up to his face and tell him its your responsibility too you did your half so help me

  6. well i dont believe in abortions they arent usually good things to do because it has emotional side effect eg.depression

    but if i were you 4get about the father and talk to your parents about it.

    i know it is scary but you should it is the only way.

    you will be surprised at how understanding parents can be!

    good luck

  7. well i dnt tink abortion shud be ur solution.some way or the other he will come a round soon.and im sure ur family will abt tlkn to the boys parents.

  8. Abortion is NOT a method of birth control.

    You should have thought about this long before you were in a relationship…

    You have no right to end the little baby's life for your own convenience.

    And the baby's father has to handle his share of responsibility just as much as you do.

    You really need to talk to your parents and/or a counselor at your school or society.

  9. i am very sorry you are in this entanglement, if you really believe that you can not care for the baby maybe you should give the baby up for adoption. dont have an abortion you will regret it later i have friends who have had one and are now messed up from the decsion. i wish you the best of luck and i am sending a hug!

  10. Well the father has told you he doesnt want anything to do with it, so you are on your own to make your own disions.

    First tell your mother, and dont leave it to late, then talk to someone,who can advise you on your choices.. ie, keep baby, adoption, abortion, then you have to make up your mind.

  11. you should relax first and think if you want the baby no matter the father. also you should talk to your parents (mother preferably first) because no matter what they want the best for you...

    if i were you i wouldn't make an abortion as long as i have the support of my parents

  12. you should have though of this when you let him in.

  13. ppl will help you if u decide to have the child i am sure once he calms down hopefully he will take more responsibility and things will work out but if u feel like you need to get an abortion you could maybe calling plan parenthood would help....

  14. Go to the Maury Show!

  15. plz do not get an abortion because it is murder would you murder someone!!? anyway be the best mother you can be you could have your mother halp you and i hope thing turn out well

    congrats i think

    hope ur baby is healthy

  16. the choice is yours honey. No one can just give you a magic answer on this one. But chances are good, if he's freakin out and avoiding you right now, your on your own for this baby. and take it from me, being pregnant isn't easy.  If you feel your up for it then go for being a momma, but don't expect him to be any help to you. it would be nice if he was, but the chances are slim, he's still young and enjoying being a kid. Your going to have to grow up really fast. If you find you can't do this on your own, you don't have to do an abortion, there's also adoption. I would meet with someone at a woman's center and talk about your options, but your going to want to do it soon, because some options you can not follow through on after the 8th week. Good luck sweetie.

  17. I don't agree with abortion. but considering your age I think you need to have the baby and give it to a family who is having trouble conceiving. someone you know can take better care of it then you can. if you want to keep it, have your parents help. the father obviously just isn't ready to take responsibility. I'm sorry to hear you've gotten pregnant. do you know they give free condoms away in your councilers office? I hope things go well. make the right decisions, and abortion is murder. :)

  18. If he's not going to help you with it, then it's up to your parents decision.

    They can either talk to his parents.

  19. This is not the crowd to ask about an abortion, that is something way to personal to be answered here. A better option if you are not ready to be a parent is to put the baby up for adoption, there are many parents out there who would love the chance to raise your baby.  If you keep the baby you will need to have a paternity test done so that you can have the father pay child support.  You need to talk to your parents now while you still have lots of options.  Good luck.

  20. I'd get an abortion. This baby would not lead a happy life. You wouldn't be able to take care of it and the the child would never have his/her father.

    I'm sorry this had to happen, and you don't HAVE to get an abortion, but in your situation, that's what I'd do.

    Much love, much luck.


  21. get an abortion, trust me on this one. do you really want to end your teenage/ college years over this? if you have the baby, say goodbye to womanhood and say hello to motherhood. do u really just want to take care of a child and watch them grow, while you rot?

    How hard is it to take birth control pills and or have your boy have a condom?

  22. Don't get an abortion just because he dont care. Think you are gonna have a baby and it will have its up and downs. But when you see her/his smileing face there is no way you can say no. If you want ask you mom, aunt, or someone else that has raised a kid. Just because he don't care doesn't mean you shouldn't too. Don't look into adoption either, you won't like other people raiding your kid and not being able to see her first steps or her first word. A baby is only another part of you that will grow.

  23. well i answered the other one but also you can think of an open adoption its when like you still get to visit your baby and can be involved with as much as you want

  24. If I was in your situation I wouldn't get a abortion, because that would be killing me own child. I think that you can do it, and should have the baby and take responsibility for it. You may have to live with your parents, work to jobs, and everything else, but won't it be worth it in the end? To work for your child so it can have a good life, and grow up like they are supposed to? It really is up to you though...What ever works out best with your family, you, and the father. I hope everything works out!

  25. is your family supporting you?

    or do they know about it?

  26. You do not need to try to make this decision all alone.  You are 17 and it is the most important decision of your life.  Any choice you make will affect you for the rest of your life.  Talk to your parents and if for some reason you do not think you can talk to them then talk to a counselor at school or a pastor or someone you can trust to share your feelings and your situation with them.  I had an abortion at about your age and I know that it isn't as easy as it sounds and I wish I'd never done it.  I'm a Christian now so of course I don't think you should have an abortion.  Part of me wants to shout at the top of my lungs "PLEASE DON'T DO IT" but the important thing is that you know you have other options and that there are people who can help you.  Please, talk to someone!

  27. if you do decide to have the baby i'm sure your family will help you out.

    also legally the father has to help with the baby.  

  28. talk to your parents and have your parents talk to his parents hes the father legally he has to help you  

  29. wow. if the father is not willing to deal with this. you still have to do what is best for you and your baby. I would hate for you to get an abortion but im not you. that's a decision you will have to make. Start by talking to a school counselor if you can't talk to your parents. contact your local planned parenthood. Go to a clinic and start receiving prenatal care. SO MANY CHOICES. I know. but with s*x comes responsibility. sorry your b/f doesn't realize that.

  30. wow this is a tuffy.

    I dont think you should get an abortion cause that will like haunt you forever. And what sucks is that, its as much your fault as it is his and your the one stuck with the baby.

  31. Hold on. Please don't abort. Are you a christian? If so, pray, pray and pray. If you aren't think about becoming one. Your going to need everything you have to make it through this. I am praying for you. Do your parent's know? They should and they can help you. Talk to your doctor or a social worker about this. They can help you through this too and if you consider abortion (but please don't) your doctor can tell you more about it. One thing about abortion though-there can be physical complications. Read this:

    Talk to your doctor and please don't abort. God bless.

    After the baby is born, give it up for adoption.

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