
Well I have a problem im 12 yrs old and I want 2 know how to type fast so knobody would already be ahead ofme

by Guest45273  |  earlier

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I'm getting fustrated with the slowness when I'm typing and when im done ppl are already ahead of me even if im writing a short sentence!




  1. 1.  Everyone starts at level 0.

    2.  The more you do it the better you get at it.

    3.  You want to type ACCURATELY, not quickly.  Anyone can ham fist the keyboard and write nonsense.

    4.  The more you do it the better you get at it.

    5.  There is NOOOOO rule #5

    6.  The more you do it the better you get at it.

  2. Practice with your fingers on the homerow keys. I was also a slow typer when I was about 12 years old, but now I'm pretty darn fast. It just takes practice. What helped me was chatting online with my friends.... Don't get frustrated though. Any new thing we learn sometimes takes time. Just keep at it.

    There are games online that help....Yahoo! Typer Shark could be helpful.

  3. Hmmm, just type the first word of what you want to say. Submit it, then edit your response. In your free time use a typing program to increase your speed and accuracy. If you are dedicated in 18 weeks you could be upwards of 100 words a minute :)

  4. Take a class. Many schools offer adult education classes in the evening. Or maybe your school has one. It is a very good idea to learn to do it right rather than hunt and peck.

  5. Read a sentence over and over in your head till you can remember it then type it out over and over till you get faster. Then choose a different sentence and so on.

  6. there are some programs on the computer to help you, when i was in elementry school they gave us a computer program called "type to learn" everyone thought it was a drag until they learned how to type really fast! the key is that there are certain places for each finger- dont type with one hand or one finger, type witrh every finger and ever hand. you are supposed to start out by putting your left pinky on the A, the next finger on thr S the next finger on the D your pointer finger on the F.... you put your right pointer on the J, ur next finger on the K next finger on the L and the pinky on the ;: then u put ur thumbs on the space bar and just have the fingers reach to the nearest key... i hope that wasnt too confusing but if you really wanna learn then use "type to learn" its meant for typing fast- i used it in school and now i can type really fast and i dont even need to look when im typing

  7. dont worry you still got a lot of time to learn how to get fast

    I got the same problem and for me it is much worse because i am over 60

  8. Listen to me, and you'll be FINE.  Typing programs are a great way for you to get your fingers where they should be. There are people who type fast without using the homerow, but they have to always look at the keyboard. Proper keyboarding skills involve not having to glance down there every word.  I was the same age as you for when I started keyboarding.  I can tell you, you would notice some dramatic results!  My average gwam (gross/total words a minute) is now going over 70.  There are people faster than me, going into the 100's, but you would still be satisfied. At home, I used the program known as "Typing Master", and wow, it was really good!  This is just a piece of advice I thought I should let you know of.  Good luck!

    p.s.  You would probably take 3-5 seconds typing a short sentence.  That's how long it takes for me!

    p.s.s.  Keyboarding is actually a must nowadays for people at work. A good employer would look for people with good skill, especially typing.  Would you like it if your boss yelled at you for taking too long in completing a project? I don't think so.

    Keyboarding is an important part of time management.  :)

    p.s.s.s.  Sorry for such a long answer!!!!!!!

  9. im 12 and no how to type with out thinking of the letter.  I could teach you but i need to see you face to face. Sorry.  No can do.  =(

  10. Get a Typing program like Mavis Beacon Teahces Typing or something like that, I was pretty young when I started learning to type, about 10 or 11, but they actually ran the program at school, and now I can type around 45-50 WPM, if I feel like typing fast.

    Good Luck,

    Don't get frustrated, it takes time and you need to learn the proper way to type anyway. ~~ Hope this Helps~~

    BTW How is this Enviroment?

  11. Don't pay attention to what others do. Having such a competitive mindset is not good.

    If you want to get good at typing, just keep practicing and do NOT use typing programs as they are horrible and do not help at all. Just type on your own. Spend some time here answering questions until you get used to where the keys are and in no time, you'll be a fast typer

  12. maybe get a typeing program like mavis beacan srry if that isn't spelled right or try finding some typing games online that will help you.

  13. Practice by typing the alphabet repeatedly and timing it.  This will help you to learn the placement of the letters.  

    By the time you get good at it, you should be able to do this in under 5 seconds.

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