
Well I have this friend and he likes NASCAR....but I dont get it at all. Can someone explain it to me?

by  |  earlier

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To me all I see is cars going around and around. I dont mean to offend any of the fans. But there is nothing I can talk to this man about if I dont see the point. So if someone can please help me understand this sport, I would really apreciate it.




  1. The biggest thing you have to do is pick a driver. It will look like cars going in a circle if you don't have a driver to watch pass cars and make faster lap times and go for the win.

    In all of those races, pick one driver out of the ones in the lead and see if you can pick the winner and see how you do. You might enjoy it. I commend you for how you asked the question, some people can be so closed minded, props to you. If you enjoy it, you can email me and I'll catch you up on whatever you want to know.

  2. You just have to watch it a bunch to understand it. If you're willing to invest the time, get to know the drivers personality. Pick a favorite driver and route for them. It's like routing for your favorite UFC fighter or favorite sports team. You will feel like part of it when they do well. Don't be a fair-weather fan or a bandwagon fan though. They're the worst.

  3. Its not a sport that you can just start watching and get all the rules that go along. I suggest doing some research, and just sit down and watch and race/prerace (you won't get it all right away i have been a fan for years and i'm still learning). Don't get your opinion of the sport ready too fast, I hear way to many people say "all they do is go around in circles" is a good way to get updated on current issues in nascar. Once you understand and get into the sport it will become your favorite Sunday pastime. Hope this helped!

  4. There's more to it than just cars going round and round.  There's strategy and luck, good calls and bad, crashes, wins, losses, etc. - plus it can be like a soap opera with friendships and rivals.  The race can change in the blink of an eye which makes it so interesting.  If you pick a driver to follow and start paying attention, you'll see how much fun it is!  Plus, race fans are #1.... like the commerical says... "Who would drive 400 miles to watch a driver go 500 miles???..... or something like that.   I don't like other sports, never have.  There's just something about NASCAR.

    PS:  Go #88!!!


    Best sport in the world!


    The biggest thing is to pick your favorite driver and watch him compete against the other drivers and see if he wins. Then it won't look like all there doing is driving around in circles.

    P.S. NASCAR is the fastest growing fas based sport today and soon it will be better than the NFL, MLB, NHL, and NBA.

  7. at first...i thought the same thing as you. until a couple years ago when my family started watching it. i was totally against it. but somehow they got me to watch one race with them. after that ONE race...i was hooked. just pick a driver to cheer for & go to

    the more you know about it, the more into it you'll get.




    No offense taken dude.

  9. evryone is right when they say pick a driver..mabey your favorite number...or sponsor(home depot...bass pro then watch them go and root for them. plus think of it as a chess game at 200 miles and hour..every little time matters seconds matter from winning or takes time to get it lucky to know alot about it but took years about 8 in my case but now i race online and can even setup the car and the more yu know the more you like it.

  10. Me and my dad are huge NASCAR fans too, but my mom and sister don't understand how we can watch "cars go in circles for hours". At first I wasn't too sure about it either but it is a really great competitive sport! The thing that makes it more interesting for every new fan is to pick a driver and watch their ups and downs and see that there is competition and excitement. NASCAR is great because the drivers show real emotion and they never hold back. They tell it as it is. Try picking a driver to watch and take a couple hours on Sunday to watch the race. By the end you'll be cheering for your driver and if you pick a good one your driver might win. Once that happens your hooked forever.

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