
Well I thought that British "show" at the Olympics was great!! And you?

by Guest32992  |  earlier

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Leona, Beckham, page etc............




  1. Listen Pinocchio, it was as bad as we thought it could be, bloody disgrace, all they needed was the The Massed Yorkshire Coal Miners Clog Dancers!


    The party outside Buck House looks much better!


    Aurora, you must have been watching through tears of laughter, his hair looked as though he had been dragged through a hedge backwards.

  2. Thanks....It's a shame we expats have to be the ones to express our delight and as seems to be the norm no congrats from the british public,, how shameful...

  3. I gave up after about an hour it was so dull. Went and had a glass of cider outside with my friend.......much more fun.

  4. I boycotted it.  

  5. Ha ha, you're having a laff........: -- D


    Boris had even combed his hair for once.  lol

  6. Falling back on the old red telephone boxes and double deckers.. What a joke. What the h**l were all those people dancing arround the bus doing anyway, lying in the path of that girl so she could stand on them, what was the significance? If they wanted to show the true modern day Britain instead of Britain back in the 70's they should have brung a march of teenage chavs with pushchairs on with Greggs pasty crums down them.

    At least our song wasn't as cringing as the Chinese 'Beijing is great' one.

  7. When the double decker came out I was hoping for an Austin Powers type dance extravaganza, so I was a little disappointed!

  8. Yes a good turnout for the effort by the team.

  9. It was rubbish and embarrassing.

  10. Not seen it.

  11. It was fine. The sound could have been better for Pagey's guitar but overall it was worth watching.

  12. No, i thought it embarrassing, tacky and cheap and the organisers ought to be ashamed and sacked! They stuck that load of rubbish in front of the whole world! Our local scouts do better!

    Edit: Crysis, it's not that we're talking the country down it's that we actually care enough to complain when trite substandard rubbish is dished up as a British offering! Our country can do much better than that and you know it! Don't keep on supporting idiots who can't do their job correctly or our country really will go down the pan! Our atheletes have been fantastic and then we get this load of cobblers right at the end - bet they're gutted!

  13. Im from Britain but sad to say i cringed through every second of it.

    With the bus stop and people doing back flips out of wheel chairs..Is that britain?  

  14. Where was the binge drinking?

    Where were the drunken knickerless tarts vomiting in the gutter?

    Where was the representation of wanton knife crime?

    Where were the teenage mothers with a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other?

    Didn't represent modern Britain at all.

  15. Yeah it's a shame the sound was only on the stadium soeaker though.

    I would have liked their to be a TV microphone on so we could hear it properly as well.

  16. It was ok, apart from the sound, the rest I thought was very boring, nothing on the Sydney closing ceremony, which I thought was memorable, this in my opinion was not.

  17. Still watching s****. Doo.........sorry

    What did Beckham sing?

  18. I didn't watch it.

  19. I am still hanging my head in shame - oh the shame, is that the best we had to offer?

    If that is a taster of 2012 - lord help us!


    Uhm, Crysis? I have no problem with the games being held in London at all - I am just ashamed at how this country fails to put on any kind of decent show - you think that palava at Buckingham Palace was good? Mind you I can't say I'm at all surprised - you find petty whining on the suggestions board fun so Will Young and McFly must really give you a buzz, honestly, now I am shaking my head too! Best of British- pah!

    They put on a better show for the Queen's thing (I dunno was it her Birthday? I'm no royalist) Brian May atop Buckingham Palace with a guitar solo - now that would have been better than wheeling out a washed up Mr Beckham to kick a ball at some poor Chinese girl 'coached' to swoon lest she be thrown in jail afterwards if she didn't!

    btw, my keyboard is clean ;-)

  20. Um....I didn't rate it much. All that over earnest modern dance mime thingy put me in a bad mood :-)

    I wanted people dressed up as marmite and Boris Johnson in a Kiss Me Quick hat..

    I did like BoJo's attempt at arena showmanship, looking like a sack of spuds , not knowing what to do with his hands, looking and feeling daft.

    I found that quite endearing.

    Aurora- His hair was BRUSHED? Gawd help us..Find it hard to dislike a man who uses the word 'fossicking' though :-)

  21. Yes it is nice

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