
Well I want to get the message out to Everyone.That we can stop global warming. We are destroying the earth.?

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well I want to get the message out to Everyone.That we can stop global warming. We are destroying the earth. So what do I do?




  1. How do you intend to control the energy output of the sun?  We CANNOT stop global warming and we are no threat to the planet.

    The current warming trend has been going on for THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of years.  Humanity hasn't been industrialized that long.  Learn more about the topic.. fight through the lies you're being told.

  2. There are lots of things we can do. WE can start with our local towns, a movement, get people involved, go door to door if need be. I am starting to think that thjere are a lot of people who would do something too, if they thought that they could, and that what they do, really does make a difference. We could start with "waste management". Get people in your town together for a meeting, have them work together. Have each member help build bins for various recyclable materials. Local businesses could donate building materials for theses bins. Then someone could start recycling plants, with renewable resource  powered vehicles ( bio diesel in the form of used vegetable grease donated by businesses involved in the movement) picking up the various material from bins, free of charge. House holds could even share bins, maybe one on each block. People might be shocked to find that there really is no such thing as garbage, and that they can illiminate the thrash collection bill from their monthly collection of bills. Even organic waste can be used for fuel, maybe methane, or compost, or even both. I even think a thing like this could bring communities and people together and create a sense of belonging, meaning, etc in the knowledge that we' re actually DOING something worth while. Who knows , a thing like this could become very popular. Monkey see, monkey do. When people see what others are accomplishing, they too, want to do it. AND, there are jobs worth having being created. And, this is also a way to fight back and declaring independance against greed motivated local gridlock , by standing together as people in an independant group SHOWING independance by circumventing the pre existing system. If certain groups find out that you don't need them, then they have zero power over you, and you have won. Isn't that cool?

    There are also many other things we can do to help save our globe. The same way we have local waste management systems, we could also have local work shops, with mechanics, teachers, engineers and other people of great knowledge put their heads together to create proto type transportation vehicles and systems that really work. It seems to me that most existing city transportation systems, are anything but efficient. No wonder people don't take the bus. It takes all day. There is no much room for improvements in so many areas. Most people, my friend, are walking around like zombies, only able to take thing day by day, not seeing a way out, laden with the every day toil of survival in a man made system. They need to be freed. So people who are strong and capable of seeing what needs to be done, and capable of taking initiative, need to do just that. We can start with websites spreading info, going to schools and universities, news paper ads etc.

    All cars could come with solar panels on their roofs, hoods and trunks, as part of their design, what could it hurt. So your car is sitting there in the parking lot , sucking up solar power while you're at work. All house roof tops could come with solar panels as part of their makeup, maybe windows could be solar panels as well as windows. This could also help function as insulation, keeping the solar heat from blasting the insides of your house. How about multi level under ground cities, with artificial sun light, plants in full photo synthesis, prodution, of vitamin b3 in our skin as well as the sun can, good weather all year around. How about a sun set that never ends. I love sunsets. They never seem to last long enough. Each level could have it's own oxygen producing atmosphere, contributing to continued ozone repair. Under ground cities would also use less power for temperature control, as the temperature there would deviate very little. I'm almost out of computer time, but I have so many innovative ideas. Yes, I believe that if we really want to we can restore the ozone layer for starters. We also have to find a way to stop the glacial melt freshening and desalination of the ocean, detrimental to the conveyor belt function. If you like my answer, add me to your contacts, and that would also be a start of people getting together and doing something. I am game, and I'm not afraid. What do we have to lose, by at least trying. I want to do something worth doing.

  3. most of the people in answers do not believe that there is a problem

    but for those who do realise it

    there are some things we can do

    but global warming cannot be stopped ,

    we can stop helping it becoming faster,and being friendlier to out Environment cannot be bad

    these are Al gores sites


    if you want to help the planet ,plant a tree every week ,if everyone on the planet did we we would be able to slowdown the destructive processes

    reduce carbon emisions,and they are already working on that by alternative forms of energy and regulations on carbon producing materials,aerosol cans,burning rubbish,industrial chimneys,powerplants etc.

    the capture of carbon and the production of water and assist the aquiferous manta.

    the world bank pays large subsidies for reforrestation to capture carbon and the best tree for this is the Pawlonia

    Waterharvesting projects ,such as millions of small redirect over ground waterflows from the rains into the ground to supply subteranian water supplies.

    the protection of existing forrests.

    stop building more highways,urban planning to include vegetation stop building cities encourage people to return to the land to conduct their business from there which now has become possible thanks to the internet.

    education to motivate people to auto sufficiency by building more home food gardens.

    education on environmental awareness

    education on family planning to curb over´populaion

    Agricultural education and improvements to follow the principals or sustainability and soil management.

    more environmental or land ,design to prevent bush fires,such as--fire breaks

    ,more dams.regulations and control for public behaviour

    alternative effeciant public transport to discourage the use of the internal conbustion engine

    recicling wastes,limit water use

    here are a 100 more ways

  4. that's a nice thought....tell it to two ppl.and tell them to tell it to 2 more and make a chain.....

    when the msg is told like 1 person to two and two to four....and so on....the whole population will get to know it!        TRY 2 TO THE POWER OF 70!!!!

  5. Look at all the facts and not the spin.    Please watch the Global Warming Special on May 2nd on Headline News (204 on Direct TV) at 7:00, 9:00 or Midnight Eastern Time.  YOu will get the truth in this one hour special.  This is way overhyped and just another reason to tax us to death and force us to buy the bogus carbon credits.  Global Warming is a trojan horse for Socialism, wake up Americans. Global warming is at the fore front because politicians found how to use a new platform to get re-elected. The world leaders use it because they found ways to make money at it. This is a made up problem just like Global Cooling in the 1970's. Wake up people. I agree we need to be more efficient with our resources, and we should fine and jail companies who are dumping into our rivers maliciously. I want to stop the raiforest destruction, but to say that global warming is a serious man made issue and we need to destroy the American economy and bow down to the rest of the world certainly does not float my boat. Follow the money on this one and you will see that it is all for political gain and grant money for those scientists who profit off of the government if global warming stays at the front of the issues. Look deep into the Keoto (sp?) Treaty, first of all they took jets to a non-central resort location. Not very environmentally concious. THen in the parameters of the treaty they have a clause that makes it so you can buy or sell polution credits. This is all about shifting wealth and breaking down the United States. This is painfully obvious, just look at peoples agenda. The earth's mean temperature has risen .6 degrees C in the past 125 years. Greenland's icecaps have gotten colder in the past 10 years. The Scientists who do not gain anything on their posisition will tell you that the earth has a natural progression and this is what we are seeing. The UN report is made up of POLITICIANS not a good spread of scientists. THere are as many or more scientists who believe that man in NOT the reason and it is over hyped, but their voice is not heard in the LIberal Mainstream Media. This issue is 99% political, and an attempt to make the USA a socialist nation, and eventually communisim. WAKE UP AMERICA, IT IS TIME TO BE AMERICANS. FOR THE PEOPLE BY THE PEOPLE. STOP THE LIES

  6. You should do your homework and get a clue. The fact is that we cannot stop global warming. We may be able to slow it but we can't stop it because we're not the main cause of it.

    If there were no humans the earth would still be warming. That's not my opinion, that is the conclusion of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). They also said that no matter what humans do the earth will continue warming for centuries.

    The current warming cycles has been going on for several hundred years. The human contribution to the warming is very small compared to the total effect.

  7. One important thing you can do is to study global warming, so that you know how to respond to skeptics.  Like this.

    "They also said that no matter what humans do the earth will continue warming for centuries.

    The current warming cycles has been going on for several hundred years. The human contribution to the warming is very small compared to the total effect."

    Yes, we cannot totally stop global warming.  But what we can do is reduce it enough so that we can cope with the effects.  If we don't reduce it, it will devastate our modern society, with massive coastal development and intensive agriculture, both of which will be severely damaged.  Rich countries will suffer enormous economic losses, in poor countries many people will die of starvation.

    We are the main cause.  Here's two summaries, short and long, of the massive amount of verified and peer reviewed data that says so:

    This is a good website to begin studying global warming:

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