I asked this question already but I got a little more info that may help answer my question....Me and my bf, have a bad habit of not using condoms...yeah we know the consequences and we are ready to deal with that fact that if we continue that I may become pregnant...which is what this is about...I am about 2 weeks late, but my periods are kinda off anyways. I been more moody than usual. My breast hurt. BAD like not like when your about to start your period either. Im always tired now. I can go to bed at 930 and get up for work at 530 and I feel like I only got 10 minutes of sleep, and then I have no energy throughout the day. Like I said though I am 2 weeks late but my period jumps around so thats not my main concern right now....What do you think is happening? Should I be worried or is it because I might start my period soon.
And if I am pregnant we are fully prepared for it. We have actually talked about having kids anyways. And the fact that we are using no protection whatsoever but the "pull out" method, we know that we could end up pregnant.