
Well Jim Carey made more money than hamburger flippers and Neurosurgeon, right?

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After I asked this question....;_ylt=AgGZM4jtitY70GpaVhbwQjTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080804131303AAc1Wvd

Someone said.... "Why would someone spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and waste 10 years of having little to no pay if in the end they're going to make the same amount of money as some kid who applied for Micky D's straight out of high school? Why would anyone bother to go to college instead of being able to work for an extra 4 years (not to mention that they'd save w/e amount of money they spend on college"

Someone else said... "Neurosurgeons practically don't get out of school until they're 40 years old! When they get out, they still have to pay their debts from tuition. By the time they're 50"

But what about JIM CAREY, he made MILLION OF DOLLARS just for acting stupid... and he dropped out of high school.

So I still say....... actors, neurosurgeon, and hamburger flippers should get equal pay.




  1. Tell that to Senator Kennedy! Didn't he just have his brain tumor removed in a McDonald's near Duke University?????

  2. Do you honestly think they should all get the same pay? Your joking right? There would be no one in college. We'd all take easy jobs and people that did struggle to better themselves in college would have just wasted time. Your idea is what communists think. Look it up.

  3. yep all true

  4. Send me your address and I will buy you a ticket to Hatti where they have a socialist way of life!

  5. It doesnt really work that way in Socialist or Communist societies.

    There are still plenty of rich and poor people in Socialist societies.  I think that communism and socialism are good ideas on paper, but dont work out in real life very well.  Same as you think that bailing out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is "letting the market decide"?  Or is it socialism where the company is bailed out with tax dollars and corporate welfare?   How about Social Security?  Are any of you or your family members throwing away your Social Security checks?  Wow....I guess Socialism isnt always bad!  Look at that h**l-hole Finland!  They have higher taxes, but instead of funding wars they pay for your maternity leave, college, health care, etc.

    One more point....people always argue "we would go back to sticks and stones if people didnt have financial incentive to push themselves".

    That is horsesnit and has never proven to be the case.  The great scientists of the past sought knowledge and invented things when they could have been killed for it.  "Necessity is the mother of invention"....not "Money is the mother of invention".

    People donate money to charities for the Red Cross/MDA/Special Olympics/....there are plenty of people who wouldnt stop funding worthy causes and people wouldnt stop making a difference if there wasnt "financial motive".

    Socialism isnt definitely isnt as evil as capitalism run amok!  Take a hundred US dollars to Canada, turn them in, and see how many Canadian dollars you get back.  Then realize that they have "free"/socialized medicine as well.  Are they morally or financially bankrupt in Canada?  Is their society falling apart?

  6. Jim Carey made that money because we were dumb enough to spend ours on him.

    Socialism, stay in school, work hard, do the right thing, and reap the same rewards as the person who dropped out of school, did no work, and always took the wrong path.  Still sound good?

  7. Don't be mad at people who work hard, just because you are underqualified.

  8. yes well jim carrey has a talent. neurosurgeons have to buy their talent and wait half thier life for it to kick in. hamburger flippers are just willing to do crappy jobs to ge paid. they are all diffferent and the lucky ones get paid yea

  9. Why should everyone get equal pay?  What do hamburger flippers contribute to society?  Obesity?  Thanks a lot for that.  It takes what, about 5 minutes to learn to flip a burger?

    Neurosurgeons save lives.  That stuff about paying off student loans for them is BS though.  They make hundreds of thousands a year- when you make that much, paying back a $150,000 student loan isnt tough.  But it takes a lot of training and time to be one, and you wouldnt just want some high school drop out working on your brain if you had a tumor would you?

    Sorry, it sounds like you're just mad that you only make $6.55 an hour dropping fries in the fryer.  Educate yourself if you want to make more, but the only people you'll ever convince with your lame argument are other undereducated hamburger flippers (except for the hamburger flippers that are still in high school and are planning to go to college, even they will disagree with you).

  10. And you're still wrong.

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