
Well ain't cherokee more related to chinese if not what other asia country is more to be resemble to cherokee

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Well ain't cherokee more related to chinese if not what other asia country is more to be resemble to cherokee




  1. not really, they came from siberia so they would be more like mongolians who were not asian

  2. The Chinese people proper, named for the ruling Chin dynasty of that time, did not exist for at least 7000 - 15,000 years after Native American people are stated by anthropoligists to have existed on the North American continent.  

    It is well documented that Native American DNA origins trace back to a few basic areas - East Asia (Siberia, Mongolians); West Asian/Eastern Europe steppes (plains),  and it is further well established that many American Indian people share common ancestors with Mediterranean peoples, specifically the Greeks.  This is scientific documentation of genetics, this is not theory.  

    It is also well established that all human beings descend from one Eve-mother, based on mitochondrial DNA.

    HOW AmerIndians got here, the means of conveyance, or whether they were already "here" are elements of time and theory.  The people are not.

  3. Cherokee is a native American Indian. Resembles American Indians!

  4. American Indians are genetically related to Chinese and Mongols.

  5. If you can find an immigration record, which shows your Cherokee ancestor was born in Shanghai, China.. then you can say that you "know" he is Chinese.  Genealogy uses documentation to confirm facts.

    When someone is talking about THEORIES, they do not have scientific proof of anything. It is simply a discussion of things that they believe. Believing something and knowing something for a fact, are two different things.

    This dispute about Native Americans being Asian has been going back and forth for months here. It is completely useless. No one has any proof of anything, either way. Just opinions.

    Genealogy does not work with opinions. It works with factual proof.

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