
Well do u feel that sometimes god also plays unfair game with us?

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Well do u feel that sometimes god also plays unfair game with us?




  1. God never plays any game wid us, watevr he do is for our welfare.God always helps us. But, yes,smtimes He test us. Why we always complain when we are in pain or something wrong happns with us. We never thanks if God help us and for what he give us .He gives us so much,what if he takes one thing.He gave us parents, friends,and much more. We should be satisfied wid watevr He gives.

  2. Never! It is the man who is responsible for every thing in his life. Because "You are the architect of your own destiny.

  3. Nah, I think it's just karma. What goes around comes around. And if he tests you, it's just to see how you will come out of it, and you will grow as a person anyway, so don't worry.

  4. never ever

  5. r u serious?!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. no, never i have felt it. if you're pertaining to trials. trials i believe really doesn't come from God, it is more likely the effect of KARMA, like what one said here too, you just reap what you sow. if you are already good, think like this, when you are being happy around with God, His opponent( you know who i suppose, the Devil) he will try to get you away from God, what he will do is send more warriors to attract you back to evil doings, what you should do? pray harder and ask God to send you more reinforcements of Good angels to help you won the battle. If you call on Him and He did'nt act at once, maybe the thing that you asked for will eventually wont do you good but instead it will just jeopardize your situation.      

  7. Read this....

    This is God.  Today I will be handling all of your problems for you.  I do not need your help.  So, have a nice day. I love you.

    P.S.  And remember... If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it yourself!  Kindly put it in the SFGTD (something for God to do) box. I will get to it in MY TIME.  All situations will be resolved, but in My time, not yours.  

    Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it by worrying about it.  Instead, focus on all the wonderful things that are present in your life now.

  8. If you mean games as in tests, he wants to see how you will come out of the situation, to turn to him, or towards temptation. God isn't the one who throws temptation in the way though. Life is a board game, you can go forward, you can lose your turn, and the way you finish, all determins the way you play.

  9. Yes i do..coz good people die and bad people r left behind....but the other thing is that if good sometimes anwer ur prayer that means he is there with u and listening to and if he doesnt answer ur prayer than that means god knows that u can handle that situation very well.Its just that u need to believe in urself.

  10. No. what makes u think so negatively.

  11. I think alot of our problems come from ourselves and how most people do not think about their actions and what may come from them. I don't think that God has anything to do with it.

  12. well many of us feel that , the god keeps a test for us that if we are competent enough to face it . u should always have faith in him that will make you to cross all the difficulties.

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