
Well do you like this joke ..On the night of their honeymoon, ?

by  |  earlier

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a newlywed couple had an unfortunate accident, resulting in the amputation of the groom's left foot. Unable to control her grief, the bride called her mother from the hospital.

'Mother,' she sobbed, 'My husband has only one foot.'

The mother, trying to console her daughter said, 'That's all right dear, your father has only six inches.'




  1. yes it is lol

  2. ummm. ha.

  3. Balls!

  4. both very spoilt

    x x x

  5. hmm wait a minute before i jump into a conclusion~~!!!!

  6. lol

    I should have seen that comeing but it still made me laugh.

  7. I've got 12 inches






    >but I don't use it as a rule!

  8. "your father has only six inches"!......poor man.......i his mind he's "big" enough for his wife............n the wife wat mor does she want....isnt six inches enough for her....or mayb she wants the one the size of a horse's!!


  9. great joke*************

    have a star

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