
Well friends...need your views for this topic...?

by Guest32038  |  earlier

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Since a long time ...i am greatly involved in finding out an answer to a question...that question is (acc. to me impossible to answer)...

I really wanna know...."From where did the 'space' originate??"...

Okay folks...mindwell....till now we have theories describing origin of Universe.....But....i wanna know the origin of in which the universe originated...Or What is Space????




  1. Good question. ummm, to be frankly, the origin of space (To me, this is my personal theory) is eternal, infinite. Space is like the amount of possibilities; which is indeed infinite; having no limit. So I think space has always existed and always will.  

  2. There is no such thing as space - no such thing as the universe - no such thing as the big - bang -no such thing as human beings - no such thing as you - no such thing as me - no nothing.  It is all in the mind.  Sounds daft ?

    Theoretically, If I am able to shut off all my five senses (vision, hearing, feeling, tasting, smelling) then, as far as I am concerned, the universe does not exist.  Then along comes my mind and I am now able to 'think' about the universe.  I think that this proves that it is all in the mind.

    I agree that these are all abstract concepts.

    To give one more input to your question on space, ancient Indian philosophy speaks of the five basic building building blocks of our perceivable universe - they are fire, air, water, ether and space.  I think a lot of scientific research is needed to find out more on these building blocks for which I am not able to find the time.  

  3. Space was "born" with the big bang, along with time and matter. So I don't think the universe itself is in space, it is space.  Even if there were something outside the universe, as of now there is no way to tell what that something is.

    If your asking where the initial "stuff" for the big bang come from, well that's a good question. I don't know the answer, and I don't know if scientists know yet.



    The big bang did not happen IN space, it happened TO space. It wasn't an explosion at all, but more of a very rapid expansion. And there is plenty of evidence for the big bang.

  4. Our lungs

  5. ur Question is very .......tough.Dont know.But u can imagine a lotz of things,right?So just do that................

  6. Take a look into checking out "dark matter". If I'm remembering correctly, in some parts of space it's the "material" that makes it up. I don't think it makes up the whole thing though; I don't have a degree in an astronomical science, but I think I remember learning that "space" (meaning the spaces between stars/planets/ astronomical bodies) is made of gasses.

  7. Well it's like the same chicken-egg scenario.

    you can seriously agree that it's a vicious cycle.

    Space is vacuum.Null.Void.

    The black ignorance.And this vacuum is something which has no mass.

    unanswered but a very interesting question.

  8. Take an example that space is a very big empty room in which a small bomb explodes and all the matter inside the bomb is scattering everywhere. Most scientists believe that there was an explosion and all the matter is scattered everywhere which mkes new galaxies and everything.

    But the main part is that this is only a theory and we dont have any proof for it. Scientists are researching for it. I think the day the man will be able to travel faster than the light, we will know everything. Till then only theories.

  9. I can be brief here. Nobody Knows.

  10. Think of an items / molecules and a Iron rod. Compare items with Solar system and molecules with bunch of stars and the galexy with Iron rod. Think you are living on one of electron of a item from them. Do't you think it is beyond reach of Regular Human mind power.

    Also remember there is no space at all (as physics) it is filled with ethor. Ethor is smallest particle of universe. It is in uncautious condition. Then why we say that universe is growing, after big bang we are trying to explore the universe. You can say one of all the souls in universe get active others are still trying to be uncautious but the soul activated have enough power to repail them is called big bang. It diverted some of the souls to get activated and it begun and the firstly activated soul is called God. We all are trying to explore the world. We are marially trying to add up uncautious souls to get with us by distributing them Knoledge and giving them hope that one day those will become God. This means human are attached with some other powers in universe and uncautiously co-operating those to explore the space.

    This is whole story, hope this is enough.

  11. space originated from space.

  12. errrr,hmmmm it looks tough... but I would like to ask another question to asker..

    What is beyond Space ?

    Suppose some how we travelled all this space and reach its horizon,what will be there, may a giant eye looking at us in a Microscope...!!! May be we are some Microbes!!! Oh my God I'm feeling sick....

  13. The answer is not really known very well.  We do know that not only matter and energy but space and time expanded from the "big bang".  Obviously they are all interrelated somehow.  But no one has expressed the relationship of matter, energy, time, and space, all in one equation, like the famous E=mc^2 that A. Einstein derived (which is actually a simplification of a longer equation).

    Clearly "empty" space is not nothing.  Space is "something" but what is currently beyond modern physics.  Same thing about time.

  14. A lot of people have a hard time with the concept of 'nothing' or space.

    1) the best way I got my head around describing and defining it, is in terms of 'something'...

    2) Nothing(space) then becomes the Something between two other Somethings...

    3) As far to the origins of 'Nothing'(space) a deeper and better philosophical question..... and it may be a cop-out... but I'd suggest space is without a beginning and uncaused-cause so to speak...

    4) Taking it a bit more esoterically, I believe this nothingness wanted to become more self-aware.... so it brought something into existence...wether that be by the big-bang or other means is still up for debate... but when it did...nothingness(space) was allowed to see or sense a different presence other then itself...mainly "Somethingness"

    5) This 'Somethingness' allowed itself to define itself by the spaces(absence of something) between those very 'Somethings'.

    6) That's my best take.... hope it helps..

  15. It wont help for most close their minds, but God is the source of all things.

    If your still with me there is a down to Earth understanding of this and all of your questions. It will require you to do some tough searching but maybe I can help to get you started with some links.

    The beginning;

    P.2 - §11 The finite level of reality is characterized by creature life and time-space limitations. Finite realities may not have endings, but they always have beginnings--they are created. The Deity level of Supremacy may be conceived as a function in relation to finite existences.

    P.10 - §3 Pattern may configure energy, but it does not control it. Gravity is the sole control of energy-matter. Neither space nor pattern are gravity responsive, but there is no relationship between space and pattern; space is neither pattern nor potential pattern. Pattern is a configuration of reality which has already paid all gravity debt; the reality of any pattern consists of its energies, its mind, spirit, or material components.

    The Urantia Book offers a clear and concise integration of science, philosophy, and religion. Those who read and study it believe that The Urantia Book has the capacity to make a significant contribution to the religious and philosophical thinking of people worldwide.



    Urantia is an ancient name for Earth



  16. I would like to add some point from Big Bang Theory regading space and Universe:


      "Back in the late '60s and early '70s, when men first walked upon the moon, "three British astrophysicists, Steven Hawking, George Ellis, and Roger Penrose turned their attention to the Theory of Relativity and its implications regarding our notions of time. In 1968 and 1970, they published papers in which they extended Einstein's Theory of General Relativity to include measurements of time and space.1, 2 According to their calculations, time and space had a finite beginning that corresponded to the origin of matter and energy."3 The singularity didn't appear in space; rather, space began inside of the singularity. Prior to the singularity, nothing existed, not space, time, matter, or energy - nothing. So where and in what did the singularity appear if not in space? We don't know. We don't know where it came from, why it's here, or even where it is. All we really know is that we are inside of it and at one time it didn't exist and neither did we."

  17. I think at least no one ever claimed to have made space or seen space form. Space is basis of the university i think.

    Anyway, i think we have not yet received any theories on space formation except, it was made by God.

    so if you don't believe in that, then i think you have to help on this one.

    Thanks for asking

  18. About 14 billion years ago our universe started as an unbelievably ultramicroscopic nugget. Our universe-to- be was encoded within this nugget. The nugget was all that existed. Energy, time, space and matter as we know it did not exist. The nugget was suspended in a void of "nothingness" The temperature and density were colossal.

    Then.....THE BIG BANG!!!!!

    This nugget became a frenetic, hot, plasma-like, stringy space interacting violently eventually filling the void completely with "space particles".

    No one knows much more than this other than the speculation that within each space particle is a carmel center (actually just my speculation :-)).

  19. Time and space. Time and space has relevance only with respect to some connected matter. If there is no matter, time and space has no relevance.

    From this statement, we can conclude that space and time are closely related to living beings. If there is no living being, there is no space nor time.

  20. as i am also eager to know whats a space means and where did it exist and what is its size and also how many universe are their in this space and who and who is handling this............

    their are no of questions but can only assume about all those as so far our scientist are able to reach upto moon and some far planets so they are also not capable to give answer for ur question.....

    and we can not assume how big this space is may be the planet like earth moon,sun,mars these could like peables or like part of matter as we are roatating around sun same happens in a unit of matter no. of electrons and neutons are roatating their.....may be we could be a part of soil for some one else.....

    so their are no of assumptions for this...but exact buddy know.....

    its good that ur thinking is so high but you should study properly and try something in this field to find the real facts the only way to search about this is when we are able to see something their then only we can conclude what is a space......

  21. This ... space .... is called Shoonya or nothingness. There is nothing . Simply nothing. There is no need for space to 'originate'.  The others  in the space , stars planets , are all intrusions in space. You  can ask questions as to how these stars , planets , earth originate.

    Taking another  example to illustrate what I am saying ....

    Take silence and sound . We are so much in sound all the time that we think silence  is to be generated. "Be silent" we say. You donot have to do anything to be silent. You have to do something to make a noise! The truth is sound is an intrusion on silence. Silence is . space is.

    Finally we humans have given these words called 'space' to understand what we donot understand.

  22. Since there is no boundry of the space or universe, any empty place (absolute vacuum) can be defined as space beyond. Since there is nothing in the space there can not be any event of its origin. Origin of vaccum has no meaning, because origin refers to some matter.  

  23. Harvard said I was a PhD Physicist at 16, back in 1964, so I feel gratified that you seem onto the same cause I have been championing ever since before that time. Space is what material is made of. That is, material is a special arrangement of space. Stirring up space creates energy-material forms in it, just from that. Any electro-magnetic activity creates photonic waves of particles. It is not surprising that God so easily created this material universe out of "apparently nothing" in a single instant! From here, however, we with our animal senses and "grab a hamburger ways", have little chance of getting a handle on how God created space first. I, for one, think it was a great idea! Regards, Larry.

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