
Well has your husband ever criticised you ,and shown by his body language you are worthless?I think mine is..

by  |  earlier

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Well ..i think he wants me never to rest and just be on my toes. my kids( twin boys 2.5 y/o) when they see their father LEAVE everything and just go to him. my husband feels that..Im not a good mum"

well i feel that as im the 1 disciplining them ... and whole day they just want to be spoilt by their dad

Now what do you say?

He wants me to be a super duper mum....




  1. Unfortunately one parent will always have to do the dirty work, while the other seems like an angel for spoiling. h**l, my husband REFUSES to eat veggies of any kind. ANY. I'm 8 months pregnant with a boy ^.^ How am I gonna explain to him he needs to eat 'icky' veggies later in life.....when his father wont touch em. I already have a feeling it'll be a never ending battle >.<

  2. The exact same situation is currently going on with me and my wife.  However, the interesting thing, is that I am the one kind of getting on my wife for NOT disciplining our daughter.  I think you are being a superb mother, children need and want discipline and structure in their lives.  You have to keep being the "bad mum" and keep disciplining.  In the long run your children will respect and appreciate what you did for them.  When I am not around our daughter acts like a totally different child, she misbehaves, and acts like a terror.  My wife will say, "Why is she so good when you are around?"  I have finally started telling her the reason.  Dont let your husband make you feel that way.  Are you a stay at home mom?  Sounds to me like you are doing a fine job as a Mother, and he probably needs to back off a little.  Hope it helps knowing you are not the only one with this issue.

  3. I had the same issue with my husband when our boys were about that age (now 10 & 12) it wasn't until about 4-5 years ago that he actually started getting involved.

    One day I just told him that in case he didn't notice we had two boys who are being disciplined by their mother and that is not right. They need to have their father disciplining them especially on the big things that they mess up on when they happen. Boys need their father to show them how to be men and at times this is done through discipline showing them that what they did was wrong and a man would have done this instead.

    Once I explained it to him that way he started assisting in the discipline process. What man wants to be told that his boys may not grow up to be strong young men if their father doesn't play an active role in every part of their life not just the fun stuff.

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