
Well heres the deal wut should i do...!?

by  |  earlier

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okay both my parents unemployed .. and i cant seem 2 find a job around my house . i'm only 16 .. and i wanna help but i cant with out a job .

i want 2 be a kid .. but at the same time i wanna go out and be a kid . i dont know what i should do .. help . me ..




  1. It all depends on you. I don't know you enough to know what is good for you. Either you can help them out by working which you will slowly flow away from being a kid or just patiently do nothing and watch them suffer and continue being a kid.  

  2. You certainly mean well, & that's really super of you to want to help, but in all reality what could you do at your age that would bring in enuf money to really be able to help that much.  I'm sure your  parents appreciate your tho'ts for them, but it's up to them to support you.  At your age you shouldn't be worrying about having to support the family, they can at least be able to collect un employment & there are ways to supplement an income when a family is in need.  They can ck. w/your local social services & get help thru them.  There are a lot of ways to get help if you're an adult & that's what THEY should be doing.  You just keep on being a kid which that's just what you are.  I'm sure in time things w/straighten out for everyone, but you shouldn't have the worry of it on you.  So don't feel guilty just being the kid you are, & a good one too.  Take care, honey, things w/be OK soon...Best to you & your family...:)  

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