
Well i'm sick with the cold but...i don't get it???

by Guest32526  |  earlier

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when i woke up about 2 days ago...i felt like i had a bruise on my neck, but my dad said nothing was there. it was originally on the left side of my neck. then it went away...but then it started to hurt on the right side...but there's nothing there...what is this...cause it hurts?




  1. Could be enlarged lymph nodes from being sick with a cold, they hurt if you put pressure on them and sometimes you can feel them as lumps.

  2. Maybe you slept the your neck wrong and it's a habit to sleep that way? I'm not sure sorry.  

  3. You have lymph nodes in a few different spots in your body and when you go to a doctor thats one of the first things they check. The spots that are usually swollen are the ones right under your chin, when they swell up it is just your body fighting off an infection (sickness). It's nothing to worry about, it happens to me very commonly and is a way i know i am sick.  

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