
Well i am going to school next year i have some issues =\?

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Alwrite well, i am 14 i am 15 this june 22nd i have been to public school from grades K - 6th then i failed 6th then took it over again in Homeschooling, since the 2nd year of 6th grade i've been getting homeschooled, and it aint that bad i do work just as normal kids would in Public school, but i dont intereact with many ppl i have maybe 2 or 3 friends, i am always on the computer i love the computer i acually want to go and get to college and get a digree in computer's :) then go for game desineing ( or how ever it spelled! ) But any ways i have some bad thought about next year's school year i mean i've been homeschooled for almsot like 3 years or somethin like that and im going into 8th next year (cuz i was held back 8-2+1 = 7th witch im in now ) But any ways i would like to mention that i am not a very social person off the computer, as i said i dont have many friends i was woundering if anybody could maybe give me some tip's on what to do in Public school because i am going to be




  1. don't be so hard on yourself. apparently, there are quite a handful of people who know just where you're coming from, including me. I was homeschooled for nine years and now I go to a Catholic high school with 800 students. At first, it seemed like the world to me, haha. Now (I'm a sophomore now), my class of 2010 is like my family. haha

    Since I didn't know a single PERSON when I first came to high school, I did the one thing that I knew I would never have trouble with. BEING ME. Basically, I just went out there and introduced myself to people. I made conversation and they introduced me to their friends. Then I met other people and they introduced me to their friends. By the end of the week, I knew so many people, I couldn't remember all of their names at once. And I was a complete dork (with a super long skirt when everyone wore theirs above the knee and a big ROLLER backback) the beginning of the year, but people were friendly to me anyway. So yeah, don't be afraid to talk to new people and show who you really are instead of hiding it with stupid labels and stuff.

  2. My daughter went from homeschooled to public school twice. She did better the first time, when we lived in a different town.

    This time she went in as a sophomore after a year of independent study. She took a little time making friends and after a year and a half is still looking for a group she feels welcomed in and relaxed.

    Her best friends live where we used to live and she's kind of having a pity party and not really trying to make friends. Her hope is that one day she'll wake up and we still live there.

    If she'd try to make friends (invite them over) she'd be fine but she's not reaching out much. Also, she's suddenly being asked out on dates and it's freaking her out. As a junior, you'd expect it but she's just NOT interested in dating.

  3. Dont try to fit into a certain group. Be friends with people and do not put up a wall around you. If you are nice and friendly and sincere, you will fit in somewhere. Be you above all. you like computers right? Get into a computer club or take computer classes and you are surely going to meet someone who is like you. The interests you have is a good way to start to get involved. School can be mostly fun but its up to you only to make it so. Join school activities that seem good to you. You never know unless you give it a try. Be yourself!!

  4. My kids went from homeschool to public school. It's normal to be concerned about it, but I bet you won't have trouble. You'll be like someone who is going to a new school, that's all.

    Between now and then, you might get to know some of the other people you'll be in school with, maybe through church or just ask your current friends to introduce you to some people. Then just think more about the people you meet than about yourself, and you will make friends.

  5. That is exactly wat happened to me cept i didn't fail. I'm 14 in April and thinking i'm gonna go to public High school next year i'm a little nervous but only cuz i've seen wat kids do there.

    Don't be ne thing cept ur self

    join an extra curricular computer class or something. meet people that have things in common with you you will be fine

    Good Luck

  6. I agree with everyone here.  My sons have been homeschooled, then went to private school for a year and are now homeschooled again.  The year that they were in private school they did fine, teacher's were impressed with their maturity and the transition was seamless.  I also recommed that you maybe participate in any summer programs that the high school you are going into might offer this year.  Also maybe any 'kids college' kind of classes that are geared for teenagers, and you might meet some kids that will be in your classes in your school.  Libraries are a big place to meet up or at least get to know some faces.  Our library has a teen group that meets once or twice a month and does other extra-curricular activities, maybe there is something there for you?  Have your parent call the high school and ask if there are any after school activities that you can participate in this spring?

    You'll be just fine.  You have had a wonderful chance to develop and blossom and get your feet grounded while you were at home.  You'll be a great asset to your new school and just be yourself.

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