I'm starting 8th grade & in the summer I've been thinking about my future life and how I'm going to turn out. Most people said that only smart kids in school gets a success life. But I'm just an average student (Went to ESOL from 2nd to 6th grade cause i wasn't born in America so my English wasn't so good). Not with a lot A's all the times on tests. (usually 1 A's, 3 B's and 1 C's on the last report card for 7th grade) But this year in 8th grade, i am going to try my best in school and all.
Well my dream is to be a Doctor & like a person that helps teenager who are disrespectful or teenager girls who always wanna have s*x, like basically get their life together. (Cause i don't know what that job is call)
But anyway so is there a chance i can be successful when i grow up??
If there is....then what do i need to do ??