
Well i be successful when i grow up ??

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I'm starting 8th grade & in the summer I've been thinking about my future life and how I'm going to turn out. Most people said that only smart kids in school gets a success life. But I'm just an average student (Went to ESOL from 2nd to 6th grade cause i wasn't born in America so my English wasn't so good). Not with a lot A's all the times on tests. (usually 1 A's, 3 B's and 1 C's on the last report card for 7th grade) But this year in 8th grade, i am going to try my best in school and all.

Well my dream is to be a Doctor & like a person that helps teenager who are disrespectful or teenager girls who always wanna have s*x, like basically get their life together. (Cause i don't know what that job is call)

But anyway so is there a chance i can be successful when i grow up??

If there is....then what do i need to do ??




  1. If you are just getting by with Cs and Bs, you have a serious risk of dropping back to Ds and Failures.  For you, it will be essential to strive to keep every course B+ or better, from the start of the year right through to end of year.

    My daughter entered high school with a record like yours and was being steered into the industrial arts stream.  But one teacher advised her to really get with it and go for the college stream.

    She dug in and left high school with a straight A to A+ record in the last 3 years. Universities all sent acceptances, and she went through, is now a teacher. She could have settled for second rate.

    I will never tell anyone that she did not have to work vary hard.

  2. If you believe you will be successful, you will. The only person who can make you not successful is yourself. You do indeed have adversities, but if you can overcome them, which I am 110% sure you can, you will go beyond your best.

    The best advice I can give you is to stick with it, make good grades in school and if you feel yourself slipping ALWAYS ask for help. Stay away from anyone trying to block you in achieving your dreams there will always be those in your life no matter what age you are. But overall your greatest enemy is yourself as you are the most powerful person from stopping your dreams. Be on top of everything when you enter high school. Do well; be close to your counselor. When sophomore year rolls around get involved in extra curricular activities if you're not already. Start looking into the SAT and possibly the SAT 2, those are tests on a particular subject such as just biology or Physics stuff like that, it's never to early to prepare. Take advanced classes if you feel comfortable, do community service like volunteering during the holidays or whatever you are interested in. Take your Junior year and start researching colleges and what you have to do to apply, create a resume of your accomplishments, apply for scholarships, and senior year finish out strong; try to be in the top 20% of your class and don't feel bad if you're not; as long as you try and give your best success will come your way.

    Once you get into college, you would have overcome those adversities and prepared yourself for more that you will tackle effortlessly. Andd research now as a first step for what you will need to do to prepare yourself to be a doctor, take the appropriate courses in high school and when you get to college they'll have your requirements laid out to become a doctor. You may need to get an advanced degree such as a masters degree in your field as well.

    From your avatar, you're a female as well so that's even more of an obstacle, if you let it be. SO you have to prepare yourself mentally to say I CAN and I WILL do this, to be my best, that mind set and education is your strongest weapon in this world. Just because you weren't born in America doesn't mean anything; it's not a negative it's a plus because you have that to say 'I had this and that adversity and yet I still accomplished this and that makes me stand out over this student or potential employee. What you view as a negative can easily be a positive, if you let it.

    What you want to be is a counselor but there are various titles and jobs you can do with what you are talking about. You could work in under privileged and low income areas in a community outreach center as a counselor or work in an education setting dealing with kids and such with those sorts of issues. It's a lot you can do with that, but what you're looking at is being a counselor or psychologist. I hope that helps. Remember it's not who you are, it's what you DO that defines you. Be great! You can be that inspiration for someone in the future who feels the same way. Never get discouraged.  

  3. Yes because highschool is what matters the most. colleges look at sophomore and juinor year in highschool. So just do really really well in highschool! good luck =)

  4. You only need to try in 11th and 12th.  After that you'll have to go to university and if you make it graduate school.

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