
Well i caught my daughter sneaking out but i did that too when i was her age. what should i do?

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Well i caught my daughter sneaking out but i did that too when i was her age. what should i do?




  1. well being a teen umm i would do what your parents would have done to you if you got caught..

  2. Tell her the bad consequences of your behavior in the past.

  3. be a parent, not a friend.

    the world is a lot different from when you were a kid.

  4. explain to her that what she did is wrong the world is much different now there are some crazy people out there i'd give a warning this time saying i know what its like to be your age i did the same thing but tell her next time there will be a punishment

  5. you should talk to her about your childhood.  any and everything you did bad.  to often, teens feel like their parents are trying to be holier than thou when in actuality you know the dangers and repercussions of the things you did as a kid and don't want her to have to deal with the same consequences.

    to many parents don't disclose their childhood to their children and so of course the kids don't think you understand.  i know parents don't tell their children because they are afraid that the kids will take it as though they have the right to act that way because mom or dad did when they were a kid.  your daughter needs to know that you do understand, and she needs to learn from your experiences, but she can only do that if you share your experiences with her.

    above all, share your experiences, but remember to stay a mom, don't try to do the friend thing, that never works, trust me.

    she needs to be punished.  if your daughter got caught shoplifting and you had done it when you were younger, does that mean you wouldn't punish her?  of course not.  its not being hypocritical to punish her, its being a parent.

  6. Just tell her that you're not ok with her sneaking out, then make up some scary story about how you sneaked out with a friend one time and......

  7. do nothing everyone sneaks out

  8. time to buy some birth control

  9. start off with telling how a male and female reproductive organs works.

    then go to how a babies made.

    then tell what s*x it, oral s*x, anal s*x , hand jobs, and vaginal

    take about stds (all of them) what they can do to both genders and if there is a cure or not.

    then you talk about safe s*x and the risks of them and

    make sure to answer all myths you know and question that come up.

    use picture to help point out things for the body reproductive parts, stds, what happens to a females body when it pregnant and other if needed.

    oh and teen s*x and the pressure they will face in middle and high school maybe college too.

    coming froma 18 who wish her parent had talked to her about s*x

  10. do what your parents did..

  11. Rules are rules and times are different now than when we were all kids.  I would sneak out but we hung out at the park and just chatted.  Now a days they're going to parties with underaged drinking, drugs are a problem and then there's promiscuous s*x.  If she's sneaking out, it's obviously to somewhere you wouldn't approve of.  Set the rules and be a parent.  My mom changed the house alarm code on me and when I tried to sneak out, I set off the alarm.  Needless to say I never did it again.

  12. I don't know about things being worse now than when you were kid; I am 32 and I used to sneak out and did things that were unbelievable. It had nothing to do with the times, and all to do with the company that I was keeping. Speaking of the company that I kept, get to know your daughters friends. More than likely they are not the greatest influence and/or much older than her. If my parents interevened and checked out who I was hanging out with I probably would not have snuck out so much. I find that to be the case most times. The kids I snuck out with were unsupervised...just like myself. Not to say you don't care but get a little more involved. That doesn't mean act like a jerk, because that will make it worse. Be a caring, concerned, and protective parent. It will work wonders.

  13. Without knowing your age, I would guess times were not as bad out there then...which for her own protection and to show her how much you care for her well being...remove her connections with other friends--like her cellphone.  She may be mad now but the consequences out weigh the danger she could get her young self into.  Best to be safe than sorry!

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