
Well i got grounded for the stupidest reason ever for a month but i know thats not fair please help?

by  |  earlier

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well i went to a mexican resturuant with my mom and there were some people playing music right and my mom wrote the name of a song and told me to go and tell them to play it as a request and i said no cause i was hella shy because the place was on a stage in front of ALOT of people and my mom told me agian go do it and i said no im shy to go over there so she says fine then your grounded for a month that is so not fair just for my shyness i got grounded for a month i need help please how can i change my moms mind please help




  1. WTF OMG wow sorry but I think your mom is VERY stupid!! What the heck is wrong with her she has NO right to do that! That is seriously the WORST excuse for grounding someone in the history of grounding! Especially for a month! She is so wrong, she is cruel if she was my mom boy.. that shouldn't even be legal that like.. grounding abuse or something! I would never put up with something like that or let her get away with that! If she wanted a song played she should've walked her own a** up there herself and requested it! I'd report her to some place Idk what you should do but she tried forcing you to do something you didn't want to do that you shouldn't have to do if you don't want and grounding you for a month for that is just not acceptable! You did absolutely nothing wrong and you have every right to not go up in front of all those people she CANNOT force you to do something you are uncomfortable with and she CANNOT punish you for not doing that!! She CANNOT!! She has ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT for you!! She cannot boss you around in that way! btw show her these answers just don't get grounded more from it if that's how pathetic she is!

  2. learn to play the song and then play it for her our something  

  3. in my opinion, don't try to change your mom's mind. change your shyness. i know it's hard, but it'll be good for you once you get it.

    i used to be very insecure and shy, but i learned to overcome it and my confidence improved my image.

    hope this helps! =)

  4. moms probably trying to break your shyness.

  5. Some parents are like that.. I've learned to just do what they say and don't say no. I'm really shy but my mother still makes me talk to my old teachers that i don't like and people at church when they walk up to us. I usually suck it up and pretend to be a perfect child. Once you're an adult they can't really make you do anything

  6. what a bee-yatch! maybe she'll just get over it

  7. just talk to her....or go on da phone w/ a fwend in frotn ov ur mom nd have him/or her ask yooh to go do sumthin then yooh say "no. sorry im grounded" nd ur fwend will say "really? wut 4?" nd yooh say "because im shy" thatll kinda make her feel that it was a stupid reason to ground yooh....or just show her ur question posted on Y!A.

  8. I bet she changes her mind. She was probably just caught up in the moment and didn't mean it. Let some time pass, go about your daily business, and hope she realizes she made a mistake. All moms make mistakes!

  9. d**n son, your mom sounds like a lunatic. I don't know that you can reason with a person like that.

  10. well first apologize and tell her it was because your really shy and to overcome the shyness try talkin to people and make new and when in groups of friends take control of the conversation going it helped me my freshman year of high school :) good luck.

  11. wait until you get a lot of answers on this, then show her ! :D

  12. Tell her to take her anti-***** pill. It might calm her PMS down.

  13. u cant, i got grounded for doin sumthang i had permission for its crazyy

  14. Ahh...she's prolly just trying to get you out of your shyness.  I'm the same way and I'm sure my mom did something similar with me..  Its best to just take it easy and wait it out.  She's prolly just bluffing.  My mom always tells me i'm grounded and usually forgets two or three days later. must not be too're on the computer ain't ya!  hahaha!

  15. shes jst trying to make u give the song name to them by saying if u dont then ur grounded for a month shes trying to change ur mind abt tht thing she doesnt really mean it

  16. your mom seems really demanding. you told her that you were uncomfortable doing it she could of respected that. best way to deal with it is to probably show her the answers to this question. If people agree with me this might be one of the safiest ways ... or the stupidest

  17. i think that you mom is being way too hard on you, she should understand how you feel not punish you for it.

    but anyway, just ask her if there is anything that you can do for her to change her mind.  and just be really good and she may drop the grounding all together


    what a r****d.

    maybe shes on drugs


    She will forget about it 4 sure!

  20. I would start an all out war with her over it.

    dont speak to her and tell her that she is not respecting your boundries. Firstly, you arent her slave. Secondly, she has no right no right to make you uncomfortable.  

  21. If she actually intends to ground you for a month, you could peacefully protest the punishment by being so annoyingly helpful that she sends you out of the house.  For example:


    "Come on Mom, get up!  Let's clean the kitchen floor as part of my punishment!  Wake up!  I've got the mop!  Rise and shine!  You start at one end and I'll start at the other!"

    Maybe do some vaccuuming in her bedroom around the same time in the morning.

    I guarantee that she won't even want to look at you.

  22. i feel that that wasn't fair. I know how you feel because I'm kinda like that too. I never like getting up in front of everybody to do nothing. Even as simple as going to get napkins in a restaurant. But I think that you should sit down with your mother and makes sure that she gets a basic understanding of exactly how you feel when you get shy. Make sure that you tell her how uneasy and uncomfortable you feel in front of a lot of people and that you weren't disrespecting her like she thought you were. I think that after she understands, she might let you off being grounded. And... everyone doesn't like attention.

  23. i think u should tell your mom that there were alot of people there and u did not feel comfortable going up and asking for some song to be played while everyone is looking at you and that if she really wanted to get the song played that bad that she grounded you for a month she would have gone up and asked herself  

  24. ouch that is really really not cool. your mom should not punish you for that, if she could read this answer it would be great cause i have something to say to your mom.

    ME: you really should not do that to your son, you have arms and legs go do it yourself WOMAN!!! lol

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