
Well i got my Guinea pig on June 16 and she's small and the guy said there 6 months will my guinea pig grow???

by  |  earlier

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Well the guy said there either 6 months or a year im guessing my guinea pig is 6 months but shes pretty small will she grow??? or is she going to be small forever????





    you guinea pig will grow just give it time and feed it and make sure it gets vitamins and calcium.

    ( if it was the runt of the litter of guinea pigs then when it grows it will be a little smaller then a regular sized guinea pig.)

    if it wasent a runt then it will be normal size.


    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time

  3. Maybe shes a runt?

    People say that runts are only small at birth but I have 3 runts out of my 6 guinea pigs and they are all significantly smaller than the "normal sized" ones.

    It shouldnt be a problem unless you have a bigger, more dominant guinea pig, which has the advantage- this is not a problem within my guinea pigs though

  4. Guinea pigs can grow to 2 to 3 lbs. and average 10 to 14 inches in length. Also keep in mind males are bigger then females as a GENERAL rule.

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