
Well i have another statement/question.?

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Im shooting under 100, actually i just broke 90 today, I can get a little spin on some wedge shots but i cant seem to get my short irons to stick on the greens. Im not sure if its the ball im using or actually how I swing. My short game is really killing me, im very bad out of the bunker, I can pitch and chip pretty well but its hard determining distance. So im wondering how i can create more backspin.




  1. It may very well be the greens that you're hitting to. If it's a public course then the greens may be kept firm to allow for the heavier traffic that you would not normally find at a private course. Even the best golfers can't hold firm greens. Watch any US or British Open. Those greens are purposely kept firm to add to the degree of difficulty typically found at Open style courses. How deep are your ball marks? Do you make a ball mark?

    As far as your chipping, that type of touch is only developed through practice. I don't mean ten minutes before your round, I mean a hour a day, every day. You will be astounded by the result of all of that practice.

  2. For wedges one thing that worked for me was getting Titlest Vokey Spin Milled wedges. Now I can back my wedges up quite a bit.

    For irons the key to sticking your shots it to trap the ball, by this I mean you need to hit the ball before making contact with the turf.

    The ball can have an effect on how well the ball stops. Obviously a rock hard ball is going to be harder to stop quickly on a green. Try using a softer ball, for example a ProV1 type ball instead of a Pinnacle.

    Sounds like the best advice for you however is to hit the chipping green and practice, practice, practice. This will easily cut some strokes off of your score for the round. Try walking to the hole and back on chips to get a "feel" for the distance. If nothing else walk to where you think you need the ball to land to release to the hole.

    Good luck with your game!

  3. You need to hit down on the ball more which will create more backspin and get it to stop sooner.

  4. First, completely forget about spin.  If you have good technique your ball will spin all you need.  To control how far your ball runs out, change your trajectory.  Learn to hit these short shots high, med, and low on command.  As far as technique is concerned, here is the number 1 problem I see with my students.  You want to strike the ball when the club is still on its way down, not at the bottom, and certainly not on the upswing.  Get the ball back in your stance, keep your hands slightly forward, and get more weight in your left side.  Dont scoop, help, flip, or try to assist the ball in the air in any way.  Strike down and thru the ball with a nice accelerating and descending blow.  Good luck.

  5. I like the above answers. try this also

    start with the ball on the inside of your right heel and try to smash the ball straight down into the ground. This technique is how you hit a punch shot. the ball stays low using this method and is hit with about a 3/4 swing, you can hit full strength as well but it takes practice. once you do this about 30 times slowly move the ball forward about an inch every time  you swing until its at the normal position for the club your using and continue smashing it into the ground. You should take a large divot every time.

    To increase spin you should not target the ball but rather the front of the ball with your eyes, if you keep practicing the smashing into the ground technique that target will deliver the most spin. Your clubs will be a factor too. remember the ping's that were banned by the usga back in the 80's

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