
Well i have just left school and i am finding it hard to get a job. Can you help me?

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I am 15 years old as i have not turned 16 yet so its seems to be even harder to find a job because i am only young. Please help me!






  2. Employers don't really want to hire children when there are adults around who who need work.

    You have left school? You mean you have a few weeks to go before you resume your education? If you really have finished with education then maybe you could get a job cleaning cars or sweeping streets. But even those jobs have far more mature and experienced folk queuing up  for them.

    Go back to school in September. Look forwards to a real job when you are ready for it.

  3. Ask relations cousins aunts uncles can they help you out with some work! Its a young age to be looking for work!! And a young age to leave school ... I regret leaving to this day!

    It stands to you when looking for work, having your degrees or certificates are like an I.D. into the workplace!!

  4. Depends what you want to set your sights on. Don't go to Job Centres if you want a decent one 'cos usually the employers that  look there want cheap labour etc. Decide what you want to do and sell yourself, as in get C.V's sorted and go to workplaces and tell them that they need young blood like you. Convince them that you want to learn every aspect of the job and be an asset, that you have always wanted to do whatever it is you've chosen. We all have a strong point about us, something hidden inside that makes us better than the other person. A pal of mine's son started a paper round several years ago. He now owns the shop he worked in and and has several others.

    Years ago I swapped an air rifle for a guitar when I was at school. Learnt how to play it, went on from there  and I ended up in a rock band years later and earnt  loads and had a great time. So, start small but with big ideas and ambition, or go for the big one, but don't let others get in your way with negative vibes. Good luck pal.

  5. Your best bet would be to go to college to gain qualifications such as highers, or the next level to something ur interested in depending on what kind of work ur looking for. A lot of employers are looking for experience or qualifications so i would go to college to gain qualifications. You could do a paper round or help around the house for ur family to earn extra cash x

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