
Well i love martial arts and...?

by  |  earlier

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reacently tested for my black belt and passed but feel weird because i know that im not that good and feel awkward because i know im not in the best of shape if any one knows any good exercises to help heighten my martial arts ability and to help keep me in shap just for karte....?!




  1. well in martial arts class for me we basically did a lot of crunches, push-ups, jumping jacks, bunny-hops, running, practice our punching and kicking on a bag, and practicing your karate movements as quickly as you can but accurately; most importantly dont forget your stretching/yoga.

    P.S. if you really want get in shape quickly try doing an exercise video with a man called Billy Banks (at least 4 times a week) - he uses a lot of routines that we do in karate sessions

  2. Congrats!! The reason why you passed is you have the knowledge! Now ask your instructor for advise on the type of fitness that would be the best for you!

  3. I have seen many get to black belt and not really be in shape and deserve to be where they are.

    However you seem to have a bit of self awareness and know your flaws.  Then do something about it.  You already know what to do to get in shape. Asking questions here will only get you what you already know.

    Put in the time and effort and you will be in shape. Find out what motivates you and then get motivated and start.

  4. I would say just run for at least 30 mins a day 3 or more day a week. Do around 100 or 200 crunches a day. Do at least 50 or 100 push-ups and chair dips a day. You could also do some light stretching like touching your toes and what not (you should know some stretches from karate). You should always set your goals higher as the execises get easier so you continue to get healthier. The good thing about this is you don't even need to pay for any type of membership since you can do all of these things at home.

    Eat lots of fruits/vegi's and make sure you get enough carbs and protein. Stay away from soda, sodium(salt), and cholesterol.

    This should be good enough to keep you in pretty decent shape. I would suggest that you keep training at some gym or dojo along with everything else I explained if you can afford it.

  5. how did yopu get a black belt  if you aint fit

    i dont know if what to do

    any way a good meals of gree vegies aand warm up exercises in mornig ought to get you in shape

  6. There are many martial arts schools that are belt factories.  They sell belts and classes, but don't really train their students in fitness or true self-defense.  There are six-year olds with black belts; the internet showed a chimpanzee who got his black belt in three months.  You're feeling weird because, after all your training and all the money you spent, you still don't feel capable of defending yourself in a street fight.

    Look into the internal martial arts of Hsing Yi, Ba Kua, and Tai Chi.  You'll get fit through internal organ health and have the ability to competently defeat an opponent when your training is complete.  These disciplines require a multi-year committment because you will not get a black sash in three months.  The knowlege is too deep and the development of the internal energy takes some time.  It's not just physical movement and yelling.

  7. all a black belt means is that you know the majority of your techniques in that martial art.  It doesnt make you anything.  Its nothing but knowledge.  That is when your training really starts.  you can start to put it all together and find your own.  if you want to be in shape, put more into your training.

  8. Go to a different dojo that doesn't give rank based on your payments. It's impossible to be a black belt or higher in a traditionally and properly taught school if you're out of shape.

    Anyway - the answer is go to a different dojo, cause chances are if you have a black belt but don't deserve it, you're at a McDojo.

  9. I like doing my Kata with 4lb medicine balls. This adds resistance  training to the Kata. It is good to feel a little humble. Don't stay in that mode all the time. It is time to work hard and earn your next degree. I like adding resistance with hand weights like medicine balls and stretch chords to my calisthenics. This will also build endurance.  

    This is not a good venue for setting up a fitness program. Perhaps when you have added these things to your workouts you can talk with your master to set up some other things for you to do.If that is not working you should consult with a fitness professional.

  10. look on the bright side: your a black belt! which is more than can be said for my purple........

  11. Congratulations!  YOU ROCK!!  It seems to me that it is natural to want to never settle.  Always looking to improve is part of the program, don't feel awkward.  If you were not the best you could have been while earning your B.B., now you are aware of it and feel,...?? There was no missing ingredient in your training menu.

    Some people do Yoga and Tai Chi, many I know say Free Weights and Nautilus at the gym help them stay fit as well as the usual dietary routines. Personally, I feel that doing what you are taught at your school, the excersises as well as Katas and defense moves, is the best.  Of course the amount of time spent each day and the amount of days can be increased, no matter what Dojo you are in.

    Good luck and have fun!

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