
Well i think I have ADHD/ADD....?

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Because I get easily distracted. I get Hyper alot. I make OK grades . And some people ask me why I sit in the same chair, I loose interest in Homework or ect. I daydream alot. So is it possible I have it?




  1. I am 47, and have lived my life suffering from ADD, and was just diagnosed last year.  I can tell you my experiences that my MD said was classic symptoms he used for diagnoses.

    1.  During school, did you find it difficult to read a paragraph and actually wonder at the end of it what you just read - forcing yourself to read it again?

    2.  Do you start projects and find it difficult to finish them?  Maybe because it wasn't challenging enough and you lost interest?  Maybe because you found something else to start, and then after a while , having repeated this scenario several more times you have so many projects unfinished you become overwhelmed and frustrated?  Or is it because you've been interrupted be obligations like homework, family, friends, church, whatever it is that you have to do that keeps you from having the time to finish the project?

    3.  Do you often say the first thing that comes to your mind that often offends people?  The key to this question is that you don't know it offends them because you can't pick up on our society's subtle body languages that people commonly use to communicate there offense.

    4.  Now, if number 3 is true for you, do these people you have had a significant amount of time with, that you've unknowlingly offended, avoid you, or perhaps talk to slightly rudely (at first) until it progresses to outright  unnacceptable behavior that no one else would tolerate, but you don't know why it is happening and don't know what to do about it.  This was a ficious cycle for me, and I became very, very sensitive.  My reaction was to get verbally mean.  After a year or two, I'd just get so frazzeled I'd quit my job and get another.  Starting the whole cycle again.

    I could go on, but ponder these things.  And let me suggest a book for you to read.  It's an easy read and if you find you don't have to reread paragraphs because you can actually relate to what your reading and find great interest in its contents - then, my dear, you will answer your question.

    Good Luck

  2. I feel you! I thought the exact same thing and I asked my doctor but he said thats just a teenager thing! So.... you don't need to worry.:)

  3. probably...

    i have ADHD and i think i'm emo sometimes...


  4. You may.  Or you may be board or have other things to think about.

    Talk to you school people (if your in HS your Counselor) about getting an assessment test done.  

  5. To me you sound like a normal teenager, however, if you really think you have it, ask your doctor, not us.  

  6. I really don't think so. you probably just have an over active mind (its a teenager thing) Can you concentrate on one thing for more then a minute if you really tried? are you kinda moody(not PMS but always)? coudl you sit still for 4 minutes? if you REALLY think you have it, you should get tested. i dont think you do if you did, you probably would have been tested for it already (most people do at a really young age)

  7. Hi There! I have AD/HD. You have some of the symptoms but that doesnt mean you have it. Go to There is a self test. Take the test, print it out and take it to you doc. That is my best advice. Good Luck!

  8. Hi

    I have ADD but its not bad. and somtimes i think i have ADHD becuase im a crazy person lol. im 12 and me and my best friend jump off of snow banks in the winder and run around yelling Moo. I think its normal.I try for my ADD not to affect me. my mom acualy talk to the school board and my teater wears a MIC and theres a speaker at the front of the classroom so i can here him better. I think its all right. everyones how lame is that you might think lol. but no realy. im that weard kid at school who only has one best friend. but you have to love yourself for who you are.

    dont take pills

    just be yourself

    if that meens jumping over the walls and getting OKAY marks :)

    life life how you want. and dont worry about what others think

    Lifes to short for that :)


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