
Well i wanna get birth Control!?

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I want 2 get Birth control but i dont want to tell my parents that i am alredy sexuly active!




  1. Go to the drug store and get condoms.  When used correctly, these are extremely effective and don't put your wellbeing at risk the way hormonal birth control does.  Hormonal birth control made me gain weight, become depressed, and lose libido.  The drug companies try to downplay these side effects as rare, but they are not.  I don't know anyone on birth control who has not experienced at least one of these things.  Some women just put up with it because the guys don't want to wear condoms, but at least condoms don't effect his health 24/7.  Also, hormonal birth control does not protect against STDs.  You need that protection.

    Unfortunately, hormonal birth control has been painted as a progressive, feminist thing because some of the people who oppose it happen to be religious nuts.  I also support the right of any woman to take hormonal birth control if she wishes, but it turns out that just because the Catholics hate something doesn't mean it's a good idea.  (This is very often true, but not  in this case! :-))

  2. This is a hard one to explain but here it goes.

    A. Whatever you are doing and whoever with ,stop.  It's not worth it birth control doesn't help with the 1 in 4 women who have STD's right now.  Check the stats.

    B.  Focus on school, guys will be there afterward but this is the time for you to bloom into who you are - learn learn learn.

    C.  I'm am speaking from experience when I say you will regret this (him) years from now when you have a husband who loves you so much!  

    D. Lastly and prob. most importantly the pill is HORRIBLE for women's health.  With the going green and being healthy wave coming on so is Natural Family Planning and stopping taking the pill. Why?  Check out what it does to your body and the risks.  Do some research and treat yourself good now.  You will thank yourself in 10-20yrs!

  3. MOST clinics and even doctors do not require that you inform your parents about birth control.  It might still be illegal in a few states... I'm not sure.  If you don't want to tell them youa re sexually active... don't.  You can always use my line.  "I'd rather get used to the routine now before I start thinking about having s*x.  If I start the routine now, then I'll be less likely to mess up later.  That way there will be no accidental pregnancies if the condom breaks when I finally do."

  4. you gotta be honest with the rents.Atleast your trying to protect yourself.

  5. go to your nearest clinic.

    its legal for kids over 12 to get birth control with out parents permission.

  6. go to planned and find the one near you. They give you a free exam and write you a prescription and fill it for free or nearly free if you're under 18 or under21 and a full time student.

    click here

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