
Well i what an iguana and my mom dosent rilly what me 2 have 1 what sould i say to help her got tords saying?

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ok c i want an iguana but my mom docent like em so what sould i do 4 her to say yes




  1. Try learning how to speak English and then we'll talk about getting an iguana. And even then I don't recommend them for a beginner.

  2. Set a goal, with the iguana as a reward, then work really hard to achieve it.  She most likely thinks that you won't take care of it.  Prove you can make a goal,  and work hard to achieve it.

  3. dont get an iggy you'll end up with a 6 foot lizard grumpy that you just dont want

    Bearded drogons make good first reps they need quite alot of room (4'x1x1 for a single animal) but are easily tamed fun to handle and watch and realativly hardy

    there only real downside is there need for uv light (which means u have to shell out for an expensiveish uv bulb every 6-8 months)(just because a bulb is producing visible light doesn't mean its producing uv)

    here's a caresheet

    i would really recommend u read into general reptile keeping before getting anything.

  4. Don't get an Iguana as a pet, they are very hard to care for and require a lot of special treatment.  I have owned an Iguana for the past 10 years and she needs a lot of special care.  She has a 6ft high 4ft wide cage with humidifiers, heat pads, heat lamps, UV light, Vitamin supplements, and a lot of fresh dark leafy greens, veggies, and fruits.  Plus plenty of exercise and baths.  Can you buy or do all of this?  Well, you need to if you get one.  These animals are most likely taken from the wild in Central America where they are shipped to the US to be pets.  Most Iguanas die in captivity unless you really know what you're doing.  You should start off small like an Anole or a Fire Bellied Toad.

  5. An iguana is not a beginner's pet. Pretty soon you could have a 6 foot lizard on your hands. I hope you don't get it.

    I hope you read this. I have enough trouble maintaining a leopard gecko, and a bearded dragon. I would never hope of being able to go through the trouble of caring for an iguana.

    The minimum cage size for a properly taken care of adult is 12' x 6'.

    You also have to have high humidity, and unless you can afford a 12'x12'x6' glass cage, or are willing to give up a whole room, you will have A LOT of problems. Of course if you would work your way up like I and everyone else does, you would get a leo, crestie, or fat tail, then a beardie, then maybe a few harder species.

  6. are u like 8???

  7. she has very good reason. iguanas grow large, have many difficult and expensive requirements, and are all too often dumped off. just imaging a 4-6 foot long adult lizard that gets moody during the breeding season, that can and will bite, and bites that require stitches are very common. they need large enclosures (we're talking 6'x6'x4' custom built minimum. that is NOT an aquarium from the petstore my friend) they make excellent pets for those that can provide them the proper care.  i recommend you read as much as you can from melissa kaplan, she runs one of the best sites for reptile care, particularly on the subject of iguanas.

    read though this, and then make your choice. iguanas are way too often abandoned sick and in need of serious rehabilitative care entirely due to  people that got them for 10 dollars along with a ten gallon tank and light bulb. most end up suffering slow and painful deaths as a result of neglect even if you :think: your doing everything right. if you go by the pet store, chances are, your not.

    i recommend your read this entire site, including all the linked pages within if you are truly serious in getting one, showing you mother you can responsibly and realistically care for the animal is the best way for both you and the animal.

  8. your mom has a good reason for not letting you get an just have to be patient

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