
Well im 14 and have a question about puberty -?

by  |  earlier

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Im going to keep it simple, im 14 my dads not around so i cant talk to him, and am actually nervous to ask anyone, i have had a deep voice and armpit hair for a couple months, and have had full pubic hair for about a year, and slight facial hair for a while, but yet my p***s has not grown at all, i am able to m********e but am curious if steps just happen in different orders, like signs of puberty have started but the growth of my p***s is just taking longer, im not sure and am nervouse please awnser -




  1. maybe you just have a small p***s. But I doubt it, i'm sure it will grow eventually.  

  2. why should u care? everyone grows into the same adult. it takes some time.

  3. jared usually different things start to develop at different rates sounds like you are developing just fine ..don't be nervous about it ..

  4. Your p***s has grown.  I promise it's not the same size as when you were 6 years old.  Go measure and you'll see - and it's not necessary for you to tell us.

    Anyway, you will see more growth - you still have 6-7 years to go.

    You're way ahead of where I was at your age.  I didn't get pubes until I was 15-16.

    Try not to worry.  From what you've said you're completely normal.  And the steps do happen in different order for different people.

  5. Puberty varies in all individuals and the sequence of events is not the same for all young men.  Your p***s will grow until you are 18 or 19 and then will have one last growth spurt qround 21.  You have a lot of time and it will happen.  For the record the average length for an adult male is  5 inches.  You are doing good.  I do recommend that you m********e as often as you want whenever you want and whenever you can find the privacy.  It is good for you and for your p***s.  Any questions just ask.

  6. Ok you are never to ask any one eles but yet you put it on the internet. About your body and it changing. You dont even you these people. like me.

  7. It takes time you grow over time.... your whole body is growing from your birth to about 25 or so, so all in time, dont worry it can be frustrating to see all that stuff but you are quite all right.... at 14 you have nothing to worry about, cause some kids havent even started purberty yet

  8. It's frustrating but all you can do is wait patiently and calmly and see what happens. You may still be going through puberty into your 20's so your p***s has many years left where it may go through a growth spurt. The average adult p***s is 5-7 inches long, so that gives you a rather vast range of lengths that it can be when fully grown. Remember that those are the average lengths, there are still plenty of penises larger or smaller than that range.

  9. at your age there are changes happens but those are gradually happens.Some changes may happen at definite time. I'm sure and you have to prepare for that.Enjoy those changes.

  10. Things do happen in different order so I wouldn't worry. Some people start later than others and not every guy has a big p***s so please don't worry about it. I'm sorry you don't have a dad that's sad, I think every boy needs his dad. If your close to your mom she can help. My wife actually answered most of my sons questions about that kind of stuff. We have a very good relationship with my sons and they feel comfortable asking us anything on their mind. You could always email me if you have any questions, I know how hard it must be to go through that alone.

  11. dont worry about it dude u still got another 5-6 years to grow ur p***s will get at least 3 or 4 in bigger have fun with whatcha got take it from me im 14 to and is wondering the same thing but i asked my doctor about it and he said that i still have another 5-6 years and my p***s is 4.0 flaccid and 5.5 erect have fun :)

  12. Don't worry, all puberty growth in people is different. You have your own time when your p***s will start growing more. It's just genetics. No one has said that you have to grow anything at a certain schedule.

    Conclusion: Your perfectly normal, besides, who is going to see your p***s other than you anytime soon?

  13. WHAT!  

  14. You're right about the steps happening in different orders

    Some people experience hair growth in the under arms first, then the pubes, and facial hair and other body changes such as muscle development and a larger bone structure.

    It's tricky how to pinpoint how everything starts first.

    They say hair growth starts in the pubic area first then under arms, and then p***s growth also occurs at the same time.

    No need to worry, I think your body will work at it's own pace!  

  15. I would say that you need to talk to your father or a big brother evern talk to your family doctor about all this.

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