
Well im 16 years old. about to be 17. male. going to be a senior in high school.

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does this sound okay...

i will go to school. i plan on doing pretty good because its my last year. i just got my license, will start driving. my parents put up my insurance today. i just wanna work part time (thats what im looking for now), and jus want to work and go to school. like be kept busy.

then on weekends have my fun and go out. and so on, and even though ama prolly make like 300 dollars the most, i plan on giving my mom like 50 every paycheck just to put it aside and have it all saved up.

does that sound like an okay plan? i plan on following it if everything falls out good.




  1. As a survival plan, this is very good!! But as a long term life plan, you need to add a few more steps. Try considering the following:

    1. After getting a part time job and saving some of your earnings, try to save even more and sacrifice your "good time" money for now for a better and longer "good time' in the near future. Save money to get a college degree that can get you a good paying job elsewhere.

    2. With a college degree, you can get a higher paying job to have you save more money - to buy your own house, own brand new car, and even leisure trips to other countries - and maybe, get a master's degree of your choice and get a job in another country and then see the world.

    3. If you are quite settled already, try to think of something that would better the lives of people around you. At least, people will have something to remember you by. GOOD LUCK!!

  2. Kind of...she I got a job my junior year of high school and am still working, it's nice having a paycheck, but I must warn you:

    You will most likely be required to work some weekends, alot of employers will not hire you if you need every weekend off especially a part-time job.  

    You will most likely not have $300 dollars a week, that is more like a full-time job.  And when you first start you will probably be making minimium wage.  I work 4 days a week and 6 hour shifts making $7 dollars an hour.  My paycheck is only $150 after taxes.  Do make $300 making $7 an hour you would have to work 50 hours.  (There is no way you can go to school, work that much, and have weekends off, it's impossible.)

    Will you be required to pay gas money(I drive alot, so for me it's $60 a week) and car insurance?  I do plus a phone bill and trying to save up for my college tutition.  I rarely have money to spare, but if you don't than you will have some money to burn, but not $250 a week.

  3. good plan.

    try to stick to it, as peer pressure would try to drift you away. Also try to save more, whenever you can, so that you can support your collage.

  4. sooounds good. :)

  5. i think it sounds really good...

    when i turn 16 ill be putting out anywhere from 50-100 $ a month into some savings account so itll build up...

    i think as long as you keep up with your grades and stuff i think youll be fine

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