
Well im getting my braces tomorrow and..

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ok im 16 years old, and im getting them :(

my teeth are straight but the only thing is.. i have a gap in my teeth :/ and are they still attracting? :/ beacause im really scared if people are gonna make fun of me :[ and if im going to look weird :(




  1. No worries hun, you will feel way more uncomfortable than you actually look. Its not like you're gonna be a total freak, soooo many people have braces. And think of it this way, its on;y temporary and at least you won't be stuck with them forever, now that would suck. I'm sure you will look fine and if you feel super uncomfortable just do a close mouthed smile, but I wouldn't if i was you. People focus too much on looks which is why so many people are self concious to the extreme. And when its all said and done, you have perfect teeth and thats a great confidence booster. Good Luck :) Just be sure to brush good and get in between your braces to prevent issues with staining of your teeth. Keep Smiling and if you don't let it show that it bothers you, no one will notice. its when people hold their heads down that makes people see the bad in people.

  2. everyone thinks they look weird with braces, but chances are most of your friends won't even realize,  

    good luck with braces  (:

  3. you will be fine

    braces are no big deal =]

  4. If the only problem with your teeth is the gap them im willing to bet you wont have to wear them very long. I had to go 3 years with mine.

    They dont hurt, just a little discomfort when they adjust them and then they hurt when they're taken off but other than that its fine.

    Most people even look cute with braces, gives you an innocent kinda look lol.

    You shouldnt care what other people think cus most people have to have braces or should really get them.

  5. Is the gap noticeable?

    The braces will most likely close up the gap. That's what braces are for, right?

    Oh geez, if people make fun of you, don't pay any attention to them.

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