
Well it has been a year since the smoking ban in ALL buildings Joe public has a right to be in.?

by  |  earlier

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Who else thinks it is so good that you can now go out for a meal or to watch a movie etc etc and NOT come back home smelling like an old ashtray.




  1. I do smoke (for my sins) but totally agree with u on that one, it's lovely to have nice clean air in a bar or restaurant and not having that yucky next day smell all over your hair and clothes, smoking outside doesn't bother me, I don't smoke in my own house so I'm used to it.

  2. oh yes, loving it loving it, loving it like that !

  3. I like it restaurants, have you ever been able to smoke in cinemas ? I must admit to missing the old pub smell though.

  4. Except it has been taken way too far. I don't know about the US, but most towns and cities in Canada now have by-laws that ban smoking from age-restricted facilities. I think that should be an option of the proprietor of that business. And if people choose to not give your bar/lounge their business because you allow smoking, then that's your loss, right? And if the staff doesn't like it, they can work somewhere else! They don't HAVE to work in a smoking establishment, there are plenty of smokers who would snatch that job up!

    It's funny how Canadian officials want to decriminalize marijuana, but ban smoking. What the h**l?

  5. I hate it! I can no longer smoke in my favorite restaurants or my favorite bars. It's c**p. I think smoking should be a choice which it is no longer a choice, government now has one more thing they can dictate in our lives now. If they are not going to let us smoke in public, shouldn't obese people be banned too? It bothers me way more to see an obese person eating a bloody raw piece of cow carcus than it does smelling my neighbor smoking. I'm not going to die from second hand smoke, smoking has been around for ages, obese people haven't! Go ahead and give me thumbs down for my answer, but I hate the smoking ban!

  6. I dont like it. Everytime i go out in london I have to walk past hundreds of smokers all huddled up outside and when i get to wherever it is that i'm going to I smell of f**s. Somewhat defeats the purpose.

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