
Well its 5.10 pm, what are you having for your tea?

by  |  earlier

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im having beans on toast




  1. Bowl of cereal

  2. I'm having pizza - Im so unhealthy! lol :P

  3. i'm at my parents for the weekend so probably something out of a can or box!

  4. roast lamb.mmm.

  5. I just had some beans on toast as well. I put cheese on mine.

  6. I am having prawn salad and a fruit salad for pudding.

    Mmm,beans on toast sounds rather nice though.

  7. chicken and potatoes some veg

  8. whatever your cooking thanks

  9. tea

  10. Green Tea. No food, though.

  11. I'm making a  Prawn Thai green curry. mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  12. supposed to go to a wedding today so it should be a five course meal and a buffet later, but am sick and can't go so i'm thinking of hitting the vodka and having a curry, lifes a *****!

  13. Chilli con carne, home made.

  14. It is only 12:27 pm, so I won't be having my tea yet.  When I do, I will be having Earl Grey and probably a Chocolate Biscotti.

  15. i just ate breakfast now.

    ill have tea after 12 hours :)


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